Chapter 28

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I look at the clock and its 6:57. Im not tired anymore so i decide to go through my list.

                 Nash list
1.come up with an original candy poster card for Skylynn.

2. Find out what my favorite movie series is, then have a movie marathon with me and others.

3. Read a page from my grade 1 diary, as if it was you. Infront of everyone at a show or school when it starts.

4.take a ballet dance class

5. Prank cam saying you got a girl pregnant, And it wasnt me. Carry it on for a week

6. Plan a flashmob

7. Run a marathon dressed as Elvis

8. Go to a salon and get a mani/pedi with someone.

9. Go to a bakery with a bunch of people and ask for a donut, then make a big fit on how theres a whole in your donut

10.once 1-9 are done you have to plan the date♡
                  Good luck

I look at the time and it now 7:08 i get up and make an omelet.  I only made it for myself.  My moms already gone for the day and my brother wont be up till none.


I put my dishes away and went upstairs to have a shower.  I washed my hair with my lemon swish shampoo and conditioner.  I washed my body then get out to dry myself off. I let my hair dry naturally and put on my white highwaisted denim short shorts with a yellow floral crop top, and  then went to my phone to go on Twitter.

My hair is now dry so im going to do loose curls. My hair is so thin it only takes me about 15 minutes to do my hair. I then painted my nails white and put nice designs of blue on it to match my earrings.

It look at the clock and its now 8:32. I got to the theatre room and watch step up 3. (My fav♥)

I waited untill it was 9:30 to shot kaitlyn a text.

(TO kaitlyn) :Hey bæ when your up call me!

My phone started going off to bird machine.

I anwsered it

Me: hey

Kaitlyn: hi bæ

Me: what's you plans for the day?

Kaitlyn: um hanging out with you duh!

I started to laugh

Kaitlyn: ill be right over, ive been up since 7 waiting for you to call me

Me: Gurrrl me to! haha ok see you soon.

I hung up and went upstairs to the living room. Kaitlyn was already knocking on my door. I opened it and we both starred at each other with straight faces. We then both burst out laughing.

"Come on lets go get a vanilla bean frap. And some muffins" Kaitlyn said going to my car.


We drove into star bucks then ordered our stuff and sat down.  After a bit leayne called me.

Leayne: Aubrey?


Leayne:ok well we have to hangout today like all four of us. Were leaving to go home tomorrow to start to pack!!

Me: so you are moving here for sure?!?

Leayne:yeeesss! (In a excited way) but we wont be her for like a month so we have to hang out and we were think maybe a sleepover?

Me: ok thats sound good! Were at starbucks right now if you guys want to come!

Leayne: ok we will be there soon!


I got up and got them both a cookies and créme frapp. They then arived and we all just sat and talked for a good 2 hours.

"Do you guys want to go swimming in my pool? We can get all of your stuff?"

They all just nodded there head and followed. We drove to Leayne and Jillian's hotel to get their bathing suits.

We came to my house then kaitlyn ran and got her bathing suit. We put our bathing suits on grabbed towel and headed to the pool.

Nash, jack G, Cameron, and Matt were all in my pool at my house? They all looked at us giving us smirks.  We went into the hottub instead so we didn't ruin what ever they were doing so we each sat on a side of the small hottub. And just talked

5minutes later all the guys came in to. Matt sat beside leayne  Jack G sat beside Jillian Cameron sat beside Kaitlyn.  And Nash sat beside me.

I looked and everyone was flirting the person beside them accept nash and i. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back but didnt say anything.

"Aubrey can we go inside to talk?"

I nodded my head we got out Nash handed me my towel and wrapped it around me.

"Where you guys going?" Kaitlyn asked

"Probably to get it on" cameron replied

"Your so funny cam! I forgot to laugh!" I said sassily

"Oooo burn!" Matt joked

"We'll be back!" I said then we walked into the house.

Nash grabbed my hand and pulled me up to my room he opened my door and there was rose petals everywhere and a bouquet of flowers then a card. I smiled and let me open it.

It was a copy of my list that i havent even shown him yet! It had the first item crossed off.

The candy poster card . I looked at him shocked and he pulled it out behind his back. Wow.. its beautiful for what nash can do. He handed it to me so i could read.

Dear Skylynn

Hey hot tamable! I just wanted to take 5 minutes to tell you how happy i am to have you as my little sister.  You are such a sweetart and i love you to bits and pieces! I couldn't find a better little sister even if i searched the Milkyway. We are going to have lots of fun, laughs, and snickers together.
♥you a bunch
Love you big bro

I smiled:)

"Nash im so happy you got one done" i kiss his cheek.

"Thats all i get?"

I look back at nash and were starring into each others eyes i smiled then giggled.

He then leans in and gives me a sweet gentle kiss.

"That will hold be off for 30seconds!"

I laughed

"Your funny Hamilton! "

I looked back at him and his mouth was wide open

I smirk at him and turn around

I honestly think i am so inlove with him its crazy..

( hey bæs! Im sorry i never updated yesterday i had a big ELA exam! I hope its ok ! Nash is so sweet! So i dont know if i can update tomorrow because again studying for history exam ugh... anyways ill try to update as soon as i can

Thank you so much for 1K♥♡
Love you guys♥♡)

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