Chapter 17

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Ok so I can understand why she is here, but I don't understand why she wants me.

"Ok look im soo sorry! I had no clue Nash had a girlfriend!"

She didn't know?! This makes it 10× better.

"You d-didnt know?"

She came and gave me a big hug

"No i had no clue, im so sorry. I feel terrible!".

She released from the hug.

"Its ok! I forgive you, you are the sweetest!" She smiled when i said that.

"Now im just upset he lied to me about it, he said u guys just hung out.."

We sat outside and i told her everything that happened yesturday.

Later on Kaitlyn came by and i introduced leayne to her, and told her what happened.

We started thinking about ideas on what we should do

"I think you should honestly brake up with him for this!" Kaitlyn said

"I dont know i sigh,  i mean i honestly do really like him more then...
Just then Leaynes phone went off  it was Nash.

(Nash's POV)
I have to make everything right
First im going to tell Leayne what has happen then i tell Leayne i need her help to make it up to her. She agreed
Second i called Kaitlyn and she seemed a bit upset with me but i asked her for help to help me make it up to Aubrey.
Third I called Aubrey. . She seemed really upset but
i asked her if she could come to my room for a few minutes she agreed.

So Nash just finished calling all of us and i want the girls to hide So they went to kaitlyns house. I walked into the house and downstairs to Nash's room.  I slowly opened the door and theres nash standing there with a rose.

"Aubrey im so sorry!"
I sat down while he explained

"Leayne came by to talk to me this morning to."

"She did?"

"Ya, she helped alot to im not mad at her at all!"

"Good!, he smiled "so i want to make it up to you tonight so be ready by 5 as he handed me the rose" he kissed me on the cheek and i smiled. How could i not forgive him
I walk out and go to kaitlyns smilimg with a rose in my hand.

Im so sorry i never updated Sunday it didnt save and so i had to re type it this morning. I would have during the week but i had so many assignments to do i didnt have time!  But i Promise i will update again this weekend:) LOVE YOU ALL

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