Chapter 25

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Aubrey went downstairs so i went to the bathroom. I went to the living room and sat with hayes. I then heard Aubrey running from the basement and upstairs. 

"Whats wrong with Aubrey?"

Hayes questioned

"When we were at the fair Nash called saying they needed to talk and she said she couldn't at the moment and he broke up with her!"

"WHAT? how could he do that to her?" He said concerned.

"Im going to go check on her ill be back!"

It started up the stairs.  I can hear her crying...

I walked a bit faster and reached her door way.


she looked down and seen blood on her hands and looked really shocked.

I ran and picked her up. She dropped everything and we came running out the door.  Elizabeth came after us. I went out the door and Elizabeth got in the driver seat not asking any questions i was holding Aubrey still in the car. I started to cry. I cant see my sister in pain. We kept telling her its going to be ok

We rush her in the  hospital and  people brought a gurny over and we layed her down we followed them into a room.

They looked at her head and knew thats they needed to put  7 stitches and glue it together. 

     Half way through Aubrey started to wake up. I ran over and held her hand. They then asked her the question that we all wanted to know.

"How did you get a big cut like this?"

"Oh i fell off....ssssttt(she winced in pain) i fell off a bed and hit my head on the dresser."

I know she isnt tell the full truth. I will find out later.

...10 minutes later....

"Alright Aubrey your all done!"

Aubrey smiled and said

"thank you."

We left and drove back to the house the Grier's house. ..

I followed Aubrey up to the her room and i sat down on the bed.

"Ok what actually happened?"

Aubrey looked down for a second the looked at my with red watery eyes again.

"I was trying to talk to nash. And i was sitting just on the edge of his bed. And i cant remember but then he used all his might and kicked me off his bed. I was not expecting it so i went flying off and hit my head." She replied

A tear slide down her cheek.

"I said ow and started crying.  But he didnt beleive me and thought i was just trying to make him feel bad. So i held my head and ran upstairs." She finished

I gave her a big hug and said

"Ill be right back!"

I started to walk downstairs.  And u came to Elizabeth first.

"Is it ok if Aubrey and I stay our hour for the next 2 days until our mom gets back?" I asked

"Ya sure is anything wrong?" She asked concerned

"Sort of but i dont want to talk about it right now." I said looking at the floor.

"Alright sweety if you need anything make sure you call me ok!"


She then walked upstairs.

I was mad. I started walking to the basement.  And down to Nash's room. I opened the door with out knocking i swung it open.

Nash looked at me and said

"Get out please"

"If you ever talk to my sister again, you will be sorry. I cant believe i let some guy she barely knows screw around with her heart. Thats my mistake and ill make sure that doesnt happen again." 

Nash stood up

"Screw around with her heart?!? SHE CHEATED ON ME!"

"Actually thats hard to believe, if you would have just let her explain what you think happened maybe this wouldnt have happened. I dont want you to lay a finger on her again.."

"What are you going to do about it? Nash said sassily

I punch him square in the face.

"Thats not even as much pain you put my sister in." 

I turned around and left him speachless. I packed up all my stuff and went to help Aubrey. Hayes helped us bring out bags over and we just sat in the theatre room. Hayes wanted to stay here for the night so all three of us watch movies in the theatre room.

(Nash's POV)

My face doesn't hurt anymore but im pissed to take my mind off thing i decide to go on Twitter. I then see


Whats the best pain killer?

I am so mad i then replied

@NashGrier my best pain killer is  get you out of my life.

I just decided to watch a movie. So i put my phone down and played my sister's keeper. I then started crying and i turned over onto my side and feel asleep.

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