Chapter 11 - Home

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Hello again my reader! How are you?


Yuuki's POV

A few days had passed after I saved Carla-san from death. These few days were spent in this village. Carla-san did not permit me to leave since she wanted to repay me for what I did to her. I didn't mind one bit about that but she insisted so I thought 'why not?'.

Thus, I ended up staying here for a few days inside Carla-san's house.

Her house was a modest village house. It could not be said as pitiful but not mighty either. The best word to describe it was common.

It was big enough for two or three people to live but not more than five at most. Regardless of that, it was quite comfortable and calming to sleep inside it.

In addition, I could play with Mia-chan anytime I wanted! To be honest, I didn't expect myself to enjoy playing with her that much. I felt like a little girl again when I played with her.

Though I actually tried to maintain my character, I found myself to act normally around her. Children were quite formidable huh...

Well, since the news about Carla-san's recovery had been known to the villagers, I'd become quite popular here. Whenever I played outside with Mia-chan or went for a stroll, I got eyes on me. Although they were harmless, I felt a little awkward since the curiosity in their eyes were somewhat scary. For now, I just let it be since they were not hostile.


-Since I've been staying here for a while, I should go home now. Thank you for having me this time.-


"Oh, I see. Although it was regrettable, I understand. I don't mind you coming here to stay anytime you want. Have a safe trip home."

Mia-chan was clearly surprised with my sudden decision while her mother did not sound like she was surprised at all. It was like she already knew about it or she could see it coming.

Anyway, I had stay away from home for a few days. If I don't return, my familiars might get anxious and search for me. I didn't want them to ambush this village just to find me after all.

Furthermore, I missed my home quite a bit.

-Well then, I'll be seeing Paul-san and the other villagers to say goodbye. Thank you very much Carla-san. It was very comfortable to sleep inside your house.-

"My, it was my pleasure to do this. Don't mind it. You're welcome anyway. See you again if fate allows us."

Long story short, I said goodbye to Carla-san and left her house to see Paul-san and the others. Mia-chan followed me without letting go of my hand. She held my hand with her tiny hand. Her expression was that one of the sorrowful. Although it was saddening to see her like this, I could not say I would not go home since my familiars might come here not long after.

We arrived in front of Paul-san's house. I knocked on the door with my other hand with my book since my hand was held by a cute little girl.

Then, Paul-san opened the door and came into my view.

"Oh, it's you Yuuki. What's up?"

He still had the hard and rough look on his face like the first time we met. However, his stare and words had softened a bit.

-Paul-san, I'll be leaving this village. I'll be going home. I just came here to say my goodbye and thanks for having me here.-

"Oh, you already going home. Why don't you stay longer?"

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