Chapter 2 - Imagination Magic And A New Familiar?

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Chapter 2 is here. Thank you for staying and please enjoy yourself.
House Of Yuuki

Hmm...I wonder what kind of power my magic has.

I thought about my magic after I ate. As soon as I woke up, my stomach grumble angrily. Therefore, I filled it with the meals that were prepared in the magic fridge that stored a stock of lifetime foods. Although I had some inquiries about why was it there, I guessed it was because of the effect of the letter Shin sent to me. The effect was to create a house of my wish.

My deduction is that it created the house along with the content I wished for. That's why the foods were created.

By the way, I wore the blindfold and mask again after that. Although I just got it recently, I had gotten quite attached to these two things.

I walked out of my house and strolled around a few meters around my house. I was just checking out the surrounding of my house, which at the same time finding out how beautiful my house is.

My lips curved upward as I gazed upon the pretty house that I have. Beside my house was a crystal clear river which was full of aquatic lives. It was deep enough for my knee to drown and the current was not fast and very calming and cold.

The landscape of my house was grassy and green. I could see that this continued for approximately 40m². Above all, my shelter was very safe and comfortable.

Today, I was planning to explore the forest around my house and check out my magic.

Then, let the second day of my second life begin! I am very excited for what I will see.


I am going to check out my magic first before I went to the forest.

Shin said that my magic was called imagination magic. It allows me to create anything with any effect. Blah blah blah..... Anyway, it only relied on my imagination. I just need to think what I wanted to do I guess?

Then, let's try something.

A little fire....

The basic of fantasy magic. A fire. I imagined a little fire that was caused by a little oxygen and some fuel.

Then, suddenly a fire was created in front of me. Its size was only like a lighter's fire. But it's enough for me to know that I have magic.

I was excited to see that fire.

Then, I tried out other things.

A water ball, sparks, darkness, ball of light, earth , metal drill, vines, little whirlwind, mist, ice, magma....

I was too excited to know that I just created too much....of a trouble.

What would you do when you suddenly saw some magics were flying around you. And those magics were out of control....


You panicked.


I guessed I was too excited to see that I could use magic. All of the things I imagined turned into reality.

Water ball, a mist around me with sparks, vines wildly moving around from earth. Drills of metal digging around and many others....

How do I stop them? Answers?

I don't know......

Let's just think that those were unreal. Maybe it will disappear?

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