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Korian was sent back to his Kingdom in chains, escorted by Prince Henri and his sister Nijah. It turned out that there were four other unfaithful guards, as well as Dusty who were locked up deep underground where no sunlight could get in. King Xin of Aubriemia was deeply apologetic for his imbecilic son's actions. Korian was put on trial, stripped of his titles and finery and imprisoned with all his faithful men.

He was making King Markus look bad by dealing slaves through his name, and making him look weak by spreading blasphemous lies. He was ambitiously trying to take Alluvia for himself, not caring how many people he hurt in the process.

Alluvia was now strong again, as the truth was released and the Royal family glorified - especially Aurora for her selfless actions. There had been many parties and celebrations for the kidnapped girl's return, each praising Aurora, as without her their futures would have been as bleak as a colourless world. She was so happy to have made a difference and bring about peace and happiness to her kingdom.

The girls she had gone through the ordeal with had become good friends to her, and Aurora often went to the villages to meet with them. They were invited to stay as honorary guests in the castle as an apology after they were reunited with their families. Vera and Camille were her closest companions, as she related to and was drawn to their fiery and strong-willed natures.

Nijah was understandably very upset and disappointed in her brother's actions, and her sobs could be heard throughout the castle when Aurora first arrived home. She was so apologetic, falling to her knees and begging them all for forgiveness. Of course, she had done no wrong, but felt guilty for her own flesh and blood's deeds, which had caused so much calamity and heartache.

However, some good did come out of it all. As Korian's future of becoming King was ripped away from him, there was need for a new heir. After several heated discussions with the council it was announced that Nijah would now be the Crown Princess, but she would only be crowned Queen when she was married, so that she would have a strong male lead at her side - although she did not need it. Of course, the question of her husband did not remain a problem for long considering Henri knew he was going to marry her someday from the moment he met her. After receiving her father's blessing Henri asked Nijah to be his wife, and she joyously accepted.

It had now been a month since Korian was outed, and Rosilabeth was heart broken and alone with an innocent life in her hands. She had fallen into a depression with severe anxiety, pacing her chambers for hours on end and hardly sleeping. The question of what to do with the baby was a heart-breaking one. Rosilabeth had forbidden Aurora from telling anyone, especially not their parents who would be highly disappointed in the scandal their daughter had caused. Rosilabeth was terrified of being disowned and cast out of the Royal family, left to rot in the life of a pauper. Aurora was sure their parents would not abandon her in her time of need, but even if she were not disowned, there was no telling what they would do with the baby. Since she was not wed, it would have to be kept completely from the public eye, as it would ruin Rosilabeth's reputation, and she would have no hope of ever getting married. The baby would be taken away and raised in another family, and although Rosilabeth knew in her heart that this was what she must agree to, she was still rather unwilling to go through with it.  Even though the baby was not planned, she still loved her unborn child, and hated the thought of having to give it away to be raised by strangers, not knowing its true parentage.

Aurora came up with a solution to the problem. She managed to persuade Rosilabeth into telling Henri and Nijah, with the hope that Nijah would pretend to be pregnant and look after Rosilabeth and her brother's child. As she was getting married soon they could spin the story of the baby coming early, which would be far more respectable then the truth. Soon Rosilabeth's stomach would begin to bloat and the secret would be out, her parents realising that she was not only heartbroken but also pregnant. Eventually Rosilabeth agreed that this was their best option, as this way she knew her unborn child was safe, and she could see him or her if she wished, although would only be known as its aunty. This way Rosilabeth had a future hope of getting married and starting her own family as well, although she was not thinking about that.

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