Chapter Fourteen

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Korian's POV

"It has been three days and she still hasn't said a word. I think we are safe sire." Sychelles announced confidently.

"Safe?" Korian scoffed. "As long as she is around we are not safe. Everything I have worked for will be brought to ruin if the brat opens her mouth. I shall become the richest and most powerful King in the world once we conquer Alluvia, and so far she is the only person that can put a stop to that."

"Would she not have said something already if she was going to?" Sychelles asked with a frown.

"That is what is puzzling about this situation. Why keep quiet? What is she waiting for?" Korian sighed frustratedly.

He had been walking on eggshells ever since that fateful moment he caught a glance of Aurora's reflection in the gold bar he was examining. He had spent weeks refining his perfect crime, slowly infiltrating the guard with his light-skinned men and changing the timetables with Rosilabeth's help, enabling him to steal from the King right under his nose, when somehow the youngest Princess had caught him red-handed. He could not capture her right then as he would not have been able to get out of the castle with the Princess, and her disappearance would have been noticed straight away. He had of course had people watching her every move though. He was busy preparing a scapegoat and alibi for himself, when he heard the news that although Aurora went to her parents, she did not inform them of his deeds! It was most perplexing. He wondered if she was going to foolishly come to him privately and try to blackmail him into leaving, but she never came! The situation was entirely confusing.

"I have no idea your highness. She is being monitored every hour of the day though, and so far has not realised, so you do not need to worry. If she makes a move to open her mouth we will nab her and she will be in our custody." Sychelles determined.

"Of course." Korian nodded in acceptance. "As she has not told her parents for whatever mysterious reason, we will not need to do anything rash like dispose of her, but we will in fact take her away as a slave to sell once everything is in place, as she is beautiful so she shall draw in many bids."

"Of course your highness. I may bid for her myself." Sychelles announced with a wicked grin.

"Do what you want with her. I was going to make her my Queen at one point, but she was outrageously rude to me and seems like too much trouble to keep. Anyway, enough about her. How is everything going with the other girls?" Korian asked with a satisfied smile.

"Perfectly sire. Five more were taken last night. No one is thinking to look for them in the bowels of the Aubriemian Royal Ship." Sychelles chuckled, his deep brown eyes flashing malice.

"Splendid. White girls sell like hot cakes in the Aubriemian slave trade, which will make a nice little bonus for the both of us, and will aid us in taking down King Markus when the blame is pinned on him." Korian chuckled triumphantly.

"That sounds perfect sire, you have truly thought of everything." Sychelles complimented him, which made Korian roll his eyes. Although he was fiercely loyal he was quite obsequious, which was annoying at times.

"I know Sychelles. That is why I am set to be King." Korian murmured as he clicked his fingers, pointing to the glass of water on the side, which Sychelles rushed to collect for him.

"Of course your highness. Are you sure you do not want me to get someone to pry deeper into Aurora's life? Your sister and she seem quite close."

"That is unnecessary. I told you from the start that my sister is not to have any part of this. She is a woman - she will not understand and could prove to be a liability. I will not put her in such a difficult position." Korian determined with a firm shake of his head.

"Forgive me sire, but I do not think you give Nijah enough credit. She aced her studies and is actually quite intelligent. She could be an asset in this process."

"Silent Sychelles! I am in charge here not you, and I have decided that my sister is not to be involved what so ever. Keep in your place." Korian reprimanded him.

"Forgive me my Prince, I overstepped my boundaries. We shall discuss no more of this." Sychelles meekly bowed his head.

"Certainly. Just keep a close eye on the Princess Aurora. I am expecting to leave in two weeks once the altered contracts are sent through. We will take her with us then. It will be too late for the King anyway - he will be too busy trying to defend his Kingdom to find his daughter. All his allies will turn on him by the end of the month." Korian proclaimed with a triumphant smirk as he admired himself in the golden mirror handing from the rich green wall.

He was incredibly confident, having mastered the innocent act and bewitched everyone into thinking he was the 'good guy'. Well, apart from the troubling Princess Aurora, but he was sure he had that situation under control. Soon he would be the most powerful King on the horizon, and Alluvia was going to be the first of many countries he would conquer. He was sure that nothing could go wrong, and no one would stand in his way.

What did you think of Korian's POV? Will he succeed? What do you think is going to happen loves? xoxo


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