Chapter Seven

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Nerves fluttered through Aurora as she fiddled with her hair, much to her mother's chagrin. They were waiting for a Royal carriage to take them into one of the closest towns to the castle, Daeryshire. It was Aurora's first public appearance with the common folk, and she was delighted to meet them although anxious for their opinion of her. Would they view her as an imposter?

Aurora had prepared a little speech, but she was still debating whether to actually say it. She had fought to be able to go, as her mother was very nervous about the whole affair and nearly had it cancelled. As a compromise, Aurora suggested they take a whole bodyguard detail with them, which she was not thrilled about, but it was a necessary expense. Her mother was very nervy and afraid of losing her daughter again, which was why she was so tight on security. Aurora was not able to walk three steps without anyone knowing!

She had two personal bodyguards required to follow her at all times and guard her room at night called Dusty and Seymour. Their protection was a little unnecessary considering she was the youngest Princess, not the first born male, but it appeased her mother so she went along with it. Seymour was the oldest with a greying beard and aging face, although he was packed with muscle and was previously one of the King's most trusted private guards. He rarely spoke and Aurora had never seen him smile, causing her to fear he did not like her, although he was so unapproachable she had not yet worked up the courage to find out why he detested her so. The man was pretty much completely emotionless, and never made a move to look or talk to Aurora, instead preferring to stare stoically straight ahead.

Thankfully Dusty was the complete opposite of Seymour. He was very friendly and charming, full of youthful enthusiasm and overall a very sweet man. He looked younger then his age, with a playful smirk and dancing green eyes. He was very tall and lean and did not look that strong, but had graduated at the top of his class for the Royal Guard meaning he had the privilege of protecting the Princess. Aurora had heard the maids say that he was a true warrior in the field, and fought brutally. It was no surprise that he was a castle favourite and all of the girls giggled when he sauntered by. Aurora supposed that he was handsome, although not a touch on her Theo.

"Oh Aurora please stop fusing dear, it is unbecoming for a Princess." Queen Genevieve fretted causing Aurora to blush.

"Sorry mother." She replied embarrassedly.

"Oh thank goodness the carriage is here! Come along now children." The Queen instructed Aurora and her brother Gabriel, and her husband followed her obediently after he shared an amused look with his youngest daughter and son.

It was only going to be the four of them heading into town that day, although originally it was meant to be Aurora and Rosilabeth. Rosilabeth was attending until one of her ladies in waiting had informed her of a mystery illness 'spreading through the common folk', meaning she proclaimed to feel feint and her mother sentenced her to bedrest. Whether she was actually unwell Aurora did not know, but Gabriel had offered to go instead. Aurora was sure that the sickness was just over-dramatized nonsense, as there was no way her mother would let them go out of it had any validity.

"Do not worry Aurora, you are doing fine." Gabriel smiled kindly as he offered his little sister his arm.

They were very similar in character and looks, with soft personalities and a love of kindness, and the same ocean eyes and high cheekbones. Ro took her brothers arm with a murmur of thanks, and they followed their parents out into the cold to where the grand carriage was waiting, flanked by guards on horse's front and back. Aurora was certainly pleased to have a thick navy blue cloak lined with the softest fur keeping her warm. It had snowed rather heavily the previous night, and a gentle flurry of intricate snowflakes was currently swirling to the icy ground.

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