Entertainment The First Smile

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The name is Julie!!! ^_^

(She smiled)

And my name is Derrick!!! :3

(He smiled also and winks at the readers)

Hey!! What are you doing? .. (=-=)

I was just winking. (>.>)

What's that wink for then?


Ahhhh.... .__.

Why would I tell you.. (._.)

Because I have the rights. (*_*)

Pfft! :v now you are smiling. After all. You know who made you smile for the first time. :3 right?

(She looks away from Derrick)

Sh-shut up.. (>\\\~\\\>)

D-don't judge me.

I ain't judging you Julse :3


(Smacks behind his head with Her's hand)

My name is not Julse.. (=3=) My name is Julie.

Ouch! (>..<) I was just messing with you. (._____.)

Whatever. (._.)

Anyways! We are the characters from the story named The First Smile.

The creator wants us to be at this story. (-.-) (sigh) said Derrick.

Hey Derrick! Have respect! (>_>)

You should be happy that you are still here and the creator didn't forgotten you, you know. (-.-*)

Well the creator forgot Aveline. (.-.)

I am here you know!

(Avaline shouted)

So I lose? (.-.)

Stupid! (>.>) just thank the creator that she didn't forgotten you Derrick.

Fine fine. (:v)

Thank you creator

(With a not so convincing thank)

CREATOR: I heard every little bit of what you said Derrick. (^-^*)

Oh crap! (0_0)


Wait, what did she said. (._.?)

Derrick, you know our creator is an otaku. (>.>)

Ohhhhh! (.__.) I didn't know that. (._.)

Anyways! We are here to entertain you all! (^.^)

We have move to this story cause the world In the first smile was lost.

Seriously. (•-•)

A world. (@_@)

Just be quiet and shut your mouth! (=_=)

Yes ma'am. (•_•'')


May I say it again and again. (>_<) LoL!!

The story of us in the first smile will be different and as I told you all We were moved here and we will act as a good characters. (^_^)

Why not bad characters? (.-.)

We can be villains. (*.*)

I told you to shut up! Didn't I! (=_=*)

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