Chapter six The dream

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(She suddenly woke up while screaming)


(Huff huff huff)

W-what.. I-is t-that...

(She looks at her hands then saw it just normally and nothing suspicious)

(She signed for relief)

It was just a dream.
Or is it a nightmare?

Hey.... Blake....

(Dorothy mumbled to her)

Oh! Did I woke you?
I'm sorry, please back to sleep.

Did you have a dream?

How did you know?

(Looks at Blake so she can recognize it also)

Uhh.. You too?


What did you dreamed about?


(She remembered her dream that her hands are turning into something)

I don't want to remember it again.

Oh, Its a nightmare then?

Sorry for asking.

No, Its all right.

Okay. Anyways we haven't got out in this cave yet.

Yeah. I realize.

(hears a sound outside the cave)


There is someone out there.

(Both of them shouted)

>outside the cave<

Oh c'mon Derrick!
Lets go to a restaurant!

No, we must go and travel to kipton.

But I'm hungry, please.

If that so then where do you tend to eat?
(In a restaurant I mean)

Hmmm, eh..., (she looks right to left and notice something)

Sorry, hehehe!



Derrick do you hear something?

Hm, no.

I think there is someone screaming.

You sure about that?

Yea, I'm sure.

(She looks at the direction where Blake and Dorothy is)

Eh, a cave?


There is someone inside.

Let's go and see.

Fine fine.

(Two of them walked towards the cave and leans at it using their ear)

(Then hears a voice shouting)

Oh! Yes!

The boulders are too thick but in my senses I can still hear them.

Nice one Julse.

(Sigh) I told you not to call me Julse!

It's my life deal with it.

Hmph. Idiot.

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