"Now that's a love story for the ages."

"So, why was it dramatic?"

Arlo laughed. "Let's see where it starts. Ander threw up all over Lu's skirt, Guzmán got punched in the face by Samuel's brother, Guzmán then threatened
Samuel to which Nadia responded to by threatening Guzmán."

"Fucking hell." Rafael breathed out in amusement. "That is dramatic. So what was your favourite part in all of that?"

"I don't have a favourite part."

"Oh, come on, Arlo. We both know that you do and we both know it's Ander throwing up on Lu."

Arlo squinted her eyes at him. "Maybe we need some time apart."

Rafael nudged her playfully. "Aw, come on. Don't deny it. It was my favourite part of the story."

"Can we just get started on the work Martín gave us? I'm getting tired of finishing all my work at the last minute. And I have Izzy's concert tonight."

"If you'd stop running around your siblings all day, then you wouldn't have to keep finishing everything off at the last minute."

Arlo rolled her eyes. "Believe me, I'd love to not get scared shitless about handing in work, but my mom just left. It gets pretty weird around the house when my parents come back, then leave again. Plus, Izzy is twelve, she's in that phase in her life where the difference in doing what's right and what's easy gets blurred. And I have a feeling that even with my mom around, it'd stay blurred."

Rafael smiled. "You're a good sister, you know that right? My sister didn't spend that much of her time worrying about me."

"Thanks." The girl grinned, shaking her head as her smiled faltered slightly. "I don't hear that often."

"Well, you should."

GUZMÁN STOOD WITH Marina, waiting for their chauffeur to pick them up when he spotted a car pull up by the entrance. He watched with curious eyes as the back door of the car flung open to reveal a small boy who ran out of his car with the biggest smile on his face. Guzmán eyed him as he giggled and ran into someone's arms as they picked him up.

The person turned around, Guzmán's eyes widening. Arlo hugged her little brother, then placed him down on the ground, kissing the top of his head. Guzmán continued to watch the siblings, his mouth parted in shock. He hadn't seen Diego since he was one and could barely speak and walk without bumping into anything. Now here he was; five years old and in a school uniform, running around. It was then Guzmán realised just how much of Arlo's life he had missed.

He grew slightly more bitter when he heard Diego yell Ander's name. Ander crouched down, his arms out as he smiled widely, the five year old practically jumping on the teenage boy.

Arlo laughed as Ander tried to balance himself from not being knocked down to the floor by Diego. "Easy, little man." Ander chuckled as he rubbed the boy's back.

Diego pulled away, holding his arm up, showing Ander the dinosaur plaster on his elbow. "I fell."

"What happened?" Ander questioned as held the small boy's arm.

"I got pushed at school." Diego frowned. "Arlo replaced the boring plaster they gave me with this dinosaur plaster."

Ander chuckled as he looked up at Arlo who grinned. "Well, she was right to do it. It looks much better."

"Hello?" A voice yelled and the three of them looked up to see Izzy poking her head out of the car, waving her hand. "Can we go now? Please? I do have a concert tonight!"

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