Devil Town

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He held his hand. He didn't want to, he was forced to.

After all, walking in the forest in the dark was pretty dangerous.

Or- what was the remainders of a forest.

They had nothing on them. If they did, they were too numb to feel it. Cold air was biting at them but they were protected by the lingering heat from their surroundings.

None of them know what happened.

It was just a regular party. How did it end up like this? What... happened?


"I- I see something." One of them mumbled, the other raised their head and squinted their eyes to try and spot what the other saw.

"What is it?"


"[REDACTED] what is it?"

"A house."


He opened his eyes, groaning. He sat up, a terrible sore running throughout his body.

His surroundings told him the answer to it. He slept on the floor. Crusty, old, wooden. He saw the other across, propped up against the wall.


The other jerked up, tense. "Y-yeah?" He croaked out, rubbing his eyes and staring.

"It's morning. Let's go." He stood up, holding his hand out, which he gladly accepted.

They walked out of the house- which turned out to be a shed- and looked around.

It seemed to be a town. A really run-down and old town.

"This'll have to do."

"Hey! Who are you?" A voice sounded behind them.

They whipped around, seeing another male aiming a gun at them.

"Who are you?!" They waved the gun around, glaring daggers at them.

"I-I'm...." He turned to his companion, wide eyed in fear. But the other could see confusion in his eyes.


The other turned away and faced the stranger.

"I'm [REDACTED]. This is my friend, . Look, we just stumbled upon this place. We just needed to rest." He explained, taking a cautious step towards the stranger.

They seemed satisfied, putting the gun away.

"Nice to meet you both. Welcome to hell." He spread their arms out, motioning towards the place they were at, a smirk on his face that seemed forced. Sarcasm laced his voice, and his eyebrows furrowed.

"We call it Devil Town."

One of them hummed in response, noting that there were others here.

"It's cold. What... what day is it?" The other shivered, rubbing his arms.

"Summertime." The stranger put his hands behind his back, walking backwards away from them.

"We're staying here."

"What?! I don't like this place! It has a creepy vibe and it's uneasy! He was acting like he lost his mind!"

"I'm here. We'll be okay."

He held his friends hand, squeezing it, reassuring him.

His friend furrowed his eyebrows, staring at his him with unease. He nodded, squeezing back.

i wrote this at 3am if it makes no sense i am sorry and its inspired by Devil Town by Cavetown

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