Chapter 9

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Kalal's P.O.V

"THAT SNECKY BITCH" I yelled while bursting in to Ryan's office. I am going to get that little bitch if its the last ting I do.

"Whoa, Kalal come down" The Russian guys said.

"GET ME RYAN, NOW!" I yelled.

"Ok, ok, ok. Please don't hurt me" He said and then went to the back.

"Yo Kalal, what's up" He said all cool.

"That girl is snecky, snecky indeed" I said.

"Lets talk in the back" He said leading me to the back room. "Ok, what happened"

*She explains the whole story to Ryan*

"SHE WHAT" Ryan yelled.

"I KNOW RIGHT" I said I am super pissed.

"I'M GETTING HER RIGHT NOW" Ryan said storming out. I followed, its time to pay my ex a visit.

Bella's P.O.V

"Why, Ian, why did you look threw my phone?" I said crying in his chest.

"I didn't know, I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have" He said hugging me more.

"Wait, Anthony, did you break up with her?" I said letting go of Ian and walking in front of Anthony.

"Yeah but I said that I was caught up in work that I wouldn't be able spend time with her so I told her that we couldn't have a long distance relationship because it wouldn't work" He said.

"Ok, thats lets go alittle stress but then she will think that it was because of the tape" I said thinking out loud.

"Well it was the tape but I didn't day anything about it." Anthony said.

"IT WAS ABOUT THE TAPE!?!" I questioned and screamed at the sametime. "I'm doomed" I mumble to myself.

"Why do you say that" Joven asked. I'm doomed more.

"No reason" I said awkwardly. I almost blew it there.

"No, tell me" Joven said getting up.
" see......" I didn't finsh when I heard someone burst through the main room door.


"Kalal?!?!?!?!?!" We all ran out to the main room and I saw Kalal pissed as ever.

"You bitch, all I wanted WAS HAPPINESS, IS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK!?!?!?!?!?!" She yelled at me.

"I didn't steal your happiness, you did yourself when you-" I didn't finsh when Kalal punched me in the jaw which made fall to the floor.

"Kalal thats enough stop this" Anthony yelled.

"You hurt me Anthony, and IT ENOUGH, I'LL SHOW YOU WHEN ITS ENOUGH" She yelled about to punch Anthony but I tripped her which made her fall.

"GO NOW, IT'S MY FIGHT" I yelled.

"But Bella" Joven and Ian said.

"IF YOU LOVED ME, YOU WOULD GO, NOW!" I yelled holding her down. Mari grabbed them pushed them in the game room and locked.

"YOU BITCH" She said getting on top and about to punch me when someone interrupted her.

"Kalal, we need her alive remember" She got off and I got a better view of who it was.

"Ryan?!?!" I questioned get up. He then pushed me telling me to stay down.

"I wouldn't get if I were you" He said and stayed laughing.

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