Chapter 14

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"Arjuna! There's a rat in the apartment! Don't leave any food out." Minami called out as she set traps.

"That's your problem for leaving a box of cookies in your bag and forgetting to zip it up," Arjuna said mockingly.

"Very funny Arjuna, just help me set the traps."

"I'm coming."

"Stupid Paris, stupid war, stupid Shirou. Can't believe the guy has been letting us do nothing for days on end."

"Stop complaining, one servant is dead."

"And was immediately replaced with another one, we're back at square one, almost a month now and no progress, how does that make you feel?"

"I don't care."

"You are the worse." Minami threw a box of traps at Arjuna to get him started.

At school, Marinette was surprised at Arthur talking to Miss Bustier about taking temporary classes. When they spoke alone, he told her that Shirou was taking a long time to get the war back in action, so they had some time to play around. He also told her that he was using her last name, "Cheng", while attending school, since he couldn't use his real name. The other teachers didn't know who he was beyond his connection to Marinette, so there wouldn't be any problems.

But he wasn't the only one taking classes, Tamamo was also enrolled under the name "Mizukume Izumo", since it would be obvious to the school who she was if she used her name, even just her first name, "Tamamo", would give it away. The only one who around their age, or perceived age, who wasn't enrolling during the break was Leticia. She refused to get into any trouble unless it had to do with the war, as she promised Ruler she would stay out of trouble.

Minami was also taking classes, but back in Fuyuki. She was taking online courses and some in Paris as an extra to her studies. Tsubasa was also thinking about it but decided to stay out of the school business since he was working behind the scenes to keep Rider in check and Ari safe while she was out. The other servants were open to the idea but didn't go through with it since they had the upper hand with knowledge from the Grail. Tamamo and Arthur both agreed to play stupid due to that upper hand, and the fact that they had to stay with their masters at all times so had to attend school.

The class started without a warning and the students got ready. Since Arthur and Tamamo had been around for a while, there was no need to introduce them. Miss Bustier told the class about a trip to London and how they would be traveling by Star Train to get there. Marinette hoped there wouldn't be any problems with going, either by a servant or Hawk Moth. Both of which were major problems Paris was facing in recent time.

There was also a short report to be done about London before they headed off. The class was sectioned into groups and the deadline for the paper was just before they left. Marinette returned home and immediately worked on her paper with Alya and Nino over a phone call while Arthur made his way to Chloe's house, where he and Ari were to meet.

"I can't believe this; how did I get you two in my group?" Chloe scoffed.

"Don't be so stingy Chloe," Ari commented. "We're just going to write a few pages together and then we'll be done."

"And what about him?" Chloe pointed to Rider.

"What about me, Chloe?" Rider asked with the same tone she had.


"Chloe," her mother said. "I'm leaving for New York; do you want anything?"

"You're the famous fashion designer, Audrey Bourgeois," Ari said as she brought out her phone to look up Audrey. "I've heard about you, you're quite famous."

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