Chapter 2

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"Okay, so, let me get this perfectly straight," Caster said, a black cloak that covered her face, the only visible parts were strands of black hair and her red lipstick. "You're not a mage and have no previous knowledge of the war, yet you summoned me?"

"I'm your master, aren't I? Don't question it." Her master said as they raised their right hand to show the command seals they had.

"Fine, what's your wish?"

"There's someone I want out of the school."

"Because of that Adrien boy? What's the appeal to him anyway? He's just a normal kid."

"Adrien is perfect."

"Now, that's a problem. Whatever. I guess it's my turn; I also have someone I want to get rid of. The boy who destroyed my life back when I was alive."

"We're not so different after all."

"There is a major problem because you're not a mage, I can't get mana from you. And if I can't get mana from you, we aren't going to be fighting."

"What are you going to do about it?" Caster's master turned and opened the blinds a bit to see outside.

"Either I get a new master, or I steal the life out of people. And because there are no more mages here, in this stupid city, I'm going to steal the life of people."

"Do what you want."

"Okay, I'm out of here."

It was the weekend when Marinette and Saber were at the top of the roof of her house. She wanted to show him around and gave him an aerial view first. The sunlight was peering through the clouds and a cold breeze made her shiver. She pointed to some of the buildings, the museum, the Eiffel Tower, the school, and some of the houses belonging to her friends. Saber told her that he knew about Paris from the Grail and didn't need a tour. He knew about any major buildings and people to avoid causing any problems while fighting. Destroying the Eiffel Tower was certainly off-limits as it would reveal the war to the world.

He also had his eyes on her bag, he was sensing something strange inside and asked Marinette if she had a small familiar or magic item inside. She didn't know how to tell him about Tiki and stuttered to make excuses. He told her that she didn't need to keep secrets from him, he was her servant and could keep a secret if she ordered it. She opened her bag to show him Tiki.

"A familiar?" Saber said as he poked Tiki.

"I'm known as a kwami!" She tried to push his finger away.

"A little creature who gives superheroes their powers. I saw it on Alya's blog."

"You watched that?" Marinette asked.

"A little. She's quite obsessed with Ladybug and the other superheroes."

Saber, Marinette, and Tiki in Marinette's bag walked along the sidewalk of Paris to see the sights. While Saber was on guard, Marinette was happily traversing through Paris. Saber stopped for a bit and glared into a store. Lancer stood inside looking at the many small things the store was selling. He wore a grey shirt, black pants, black shoes, a black leather jacket, and a red scarf to blend in. The only thing that stood out was a golden earring that hung from his left ear and was nearly the size of his fist. His master, the girl with long golden hair was also with him, she picked up a small ring from the store and went to speak to the cashier about it.

Saber was about to enter, then Marinette stopped him. Lancer wasn't doing anything to them and perhaps he too was trying to get a better understanding of Paris, they were doing the same, after all. Saber let it go and continued with Marinette. During the walk, he felt several other servants who had also tried to blend in with the humans. A little girl with white hair and green eyes held hands with a woman with long white hair as they walked at a crossroad was the one that caught Saber's eye the most. Something about them made him uneasy. 

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