Chapter 13

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"Now mister! You're going to pay for being so rude!"

Tamamo raised her mirror so that it pointed right at Rider and shot him. The shot-blasted through his armor and to his chest, unlike the Caster before, she could hurt him. She was part of the sun goddess after all. Rider raised his sword and fought against the Caster who deflected his attacks with her mirrors. She punched the ground and a miniature tornado formed to push Rider away.

She floated in the air and gathered dark energy then threw it at Rider. She was serious about taking him out since he attacked first and she had no idea who he was. She didn't know Shirou told him to stop the summoning ritual or who Shirou was. Rider cut through icicles that Tamamo blasted at him and when he got close to her, tried to damage her since she wasn't wearing any armor.

She lifted her mirror and blocked the attack, and with another mirror, she shot him back. Her magic was beyond that of the last Caster, and Rider was forced to retreat.

"Are you okay, Master?" Tamamo looked to Adrien, her fox ears twitching at the same time.

"I'm fine," Adrien responded.

"I thought only mages could have servants," Nino exclaimed.

"Now who told you that? Anyone can be a master; they just need a proper summoning." Tamamo explained, "now master, what shall we do next? I can track down that rude servant and beat him up for you. Or I can track down another servant and beat them up instead."

"Wait a minute," Adrien stopped her tirade. "What exactly is happening?"

"I'm your Caster class servant, summoned just a few minutes ago. Oh, oh, oh! I need a nickname for you! I know! I know! I'll call you my husband!"

"No, you will not!"

"Fine...just Master then."

"I think she's disappointed," Nino whispered.

Adrien finally knew how Marinette felt with Saber following her everywhere. Tamamo wouldn't let him out of her sight, even to the point of latching onto him if he stopped walking for two seconds or was two inches too far from her. She stood out due to her fox ears and tail, so Adrien told her to find clothing that wouldn't make her stand out. She found a place to buy clothing and got a large hat to cover her ears and a black dress that was long enough to cover her tail. She was girly, to say the least, picking only the most fluffy and pretty clothes she could find. He also had to cover up the command seal on his right hand, so wore a black glove over it.

In school, Tamamo held onto Adrien's arm and made the girls jealous of her. Lila wouldn't look at her, Chloe was ready to strangle her, and Marinette kept to herself. Not even Kagami was happy about the new addition to Adrien's friend group, or his father at that. His father told Tamamo to leave on multiple occasions, but she grabbed onto Adrien tightly and said she wouldn't let him go until she was dead. Gabriel eventually let her stay and put up with her childish ways.

At night, Tamamo dragged Adrien to the church to talk to Shirou. Shirou was surprised a new servant was summoned, and by another person who wasn't a mage. Shirou told Adrien that he was stuck with Tamamo and was forced to participate in the war. He was also stuck with having to provide Tamamo mana through other means, such as food or draining mana from others.

Shirou gave Adrien the basics of the Grail War and said that there was no leaving the war unless one of them was dead. Adrien asked about Minami since she had taken custody of the last Caster, but Shirou denied any notion, that was against the rules he set up. He spoke to Ruler after he let Minami have Caster, and Ruler wasn't happy about the rules being broken.

"Arthur, Marinette, we'll be going to London for business. Do you need anything before we leave?" Sabine told Marinette.

"No, we're fine," Marinette responded.

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