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GC NAME: 🤤🍆💦

Alexa: change the name

Sasha: why?

Sarah: ☠☠☠

Ronda: banks are you this clueless

Sasha: I'm not following

Mella: omg she doesn't even know!

Sasha: know what?

Nikki: the group name

Sasha: what about it?

Paige: omg its like teaching a monkey how to talk

Sasha: I'm lost here

Liv: read the group name

Sasha: ok I did what about it

Alexa: omfg

Sonya: can we tell her already

Mandy: ^

Lana: yeah I think so

Ruby: sasha it's not 🤤🍆💦

Sasha: huh?

Aj: are you gay bitch?

Sasha: yeah why?

Ronda: omfg

Sasha: oh I know

Sasha changed the group name to

Natayla: still wrong!

Sasha: then idk

Nikki: we tell you later

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