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Pm between Ronda, Aj and Sasha

Ronda: hey Sasha?

Sasha: yes?

Aj: what are you and Steph since you to have been I don't know..together 24/7!

Sasha: she's like a mom to me

Ronda: how??!!

Sasha: idk she's just so motherly

Aj: so you have no feelings for her?

Sasha: nope!

Sasha: did you guys really think that me and Steph...OMG EWWW WTF NO!!!

Ronda: you two just gave us the wrong vibe so sorry that we thought that

Aj: Sasha I need your help!!!

Sasha: with what to help you clean out dirty brain

Aj: No. Idk what to get Nikki and Paige for our 4 year anniversary!!!

Ronda: your asking the person who can't keep their relationship longer than 8 months to help you?

Sasha: meanie head

Aj: uh wrong choice!

Aj added Brie Bella to the chat

Brie: hello Iceland people

Ronda: no one is from Iceland nor has anyone been to Iceland

Brie: oh sorry I forgot wrong group chat

Aj: I need your help!!! My 4 anniversary is coming up and I have nothing!!

Brie: take them out to dinner and propose to them

Sasha: omg yasss if you do propose I want to be maid of honor

Aj: yes great idea and no Bayley will be maid of honor cause she's my favorite

Ronda: I thought I was your favorite

Aj: I only said that to make you feel better bud

Brie: can I plan the wedding?

Aj: yes of course brize

Sasha: okay gtg love you weridos!

Ronda: ily

Brie: ily2

Aj: ❤️

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