The Past & Secrets

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Everyone was in the living room watching a movie also Stephanie is there as well cause Sasha invited her.

"Guys you know Sasha doesn't like scary movies" Stephanie said

"We know but it's funny watching her wiggle around and scream like a little kid" Paige joked

"Okay okay that's enough scary movies for you" Stephanie said

Stephanie lifted her arm because Sasha was hiding under Stephanie's arm

"No I'm okay" Sasha said

"No your not, your legit hiding so you can't see or hear the tv" Liv said

Sasha huffed

"Whatever" Sasha said

The doorbell rang

"Sasha get the door because your closer" Brie said

Sasha got up to get the door and when she opened the door she couldn't believe who was standing right in front of her

"Hi Mercedes" The man said

"Hi D-dad" Sasha said

"Can we chat in private for a couple of minutes?" Sasha's dad said


"No and i believe you that you are trespassing of private property so better get going before I call the cops" Stephanie said

"Who are you to be exact?" Sasha's dad said

"Stephanie McMahon, most importantly Mercedes mother" Stephanie said

"I don't remember knocking you up" Sasha's dad said

"Leave now before the cops arrive" Stephanie said

Sasha's dad looked his daughter up and down before he left And Stephanie closed the door

"I had that handle" Sasha said

"I know did sweetheart but I didn't want him to hurt you after all he is a criminal" Stephanie said

"I know I know. But I'm not your real daughter so I don't need you to baby me" Sasha said

"Baby you? You whine and cry to me about a lot things and you always want me to help you with your problems. So if you want me to stop 'babying' you then be an adult...and cedes we been through this a million times, I don't care if you aren't my real daughter..I'm still to going to treat and love and care for you as my own" Stephanie said

Sasha hugged Stephanie

"Group hug!!!" Lana called out

The group hugged the two

"Back to the movie!" Sasha said

"Uh let's watching something more appropriate for you Sasha" Ronda said

"I hate you" Sasha said

"No you don' Ginny and Georgia on Netflix?" Sarah said

"Yes!" Mandy said

The girls sat on the sofa and watched Ginny and Georgia

"Mom- I mean steph.." Sasha said

"Hey it's can call me mom" Stephanie said

Sasha smiled

"Now what did you want to ask?" Stephanie said

"Sleepover tonight?" Sasha said

" Hunter is watching the girls so yeah I can" Stephanie said

"Yessss!" Sasha said

"Okay let's not TP anyone's house tonight because remember we did that last time and we almost got fired" Natayla said

"ohhhh shit I forgot about that" Bayley said

"I didn't plus who's idea was that in the first place" Stephanie said

"Your blue haired daughter" Becky said

"Hey I was going to TP Seth's house but he wasn't home" Sasha said

"Sesha Ballins" Lana said

"Uh nope! Me and him are to toxic together" Sasha said

"How toxic?" Nikki said

"Like one of us would be in jail right now" Sasha said

"Oh wow" Charlotte said

"It was after we lost our baby then we became toxic" Sasha said

"Damn sorry" Zelina said

"It's alright" Sasha said

"When you said 'one of you guys would be in jail right now' what do you mean by that?" Stephanie said

"He was abusive" Sasha said

"He was what now!!!" The girls said in shock

"It's okay-" Sasha said

"No it's not because you keep going back to him" Sonya said

"Sasha is that true?" Stephanie said

"I don't want to talk about this anymore so can we please go back to the show" Sasha said

"Your dating him right now aren't you?" Aj said

Sasha got up and went to her room

"She's definitely is back with him" Charlotte said

Stephanie sighed

"So what are we going to do now?" Alexa said


A/N: pls vote!!! Thank you guys for reading this book!!! Anymore ideas for the other characters???? 💙✨🦖

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