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The Group Chat!

Ronda: sasha

Sonya: sasha

Bayley: sasha

Char: sasha

Everyone: SASHA!!!!

Sasha: what do you guys want!

Alexa: it's been a month since we've seen you on smackdown

Sasha: no comment

Nikki: what do you mean no comment?

Aj: what's going on banks?

Sasha: nothing

Ruby: liar!

Carmella: Spill

Paige: The

Brie: Fucking

Sarah: Tea

Liv: Banks

Lana: ☕☕

Sasha: I have ankle injury

Nikki: what's so hard just saying that

Sasha: I'm 102% okay

Natayla: then come back

Carmella: ^

Sasha: I'll come back when I'm 120% good👍🏽✌🏽

Char: weird

Sasha: it's not when I come back to smackdown bayley will lose her title

Bayley: um...what...

Ruby: your gonna lose your title

Bayley: I know what she meant ruby but why?

Sasha: cause can

Nikki: I want to see that at wrestlemania 36

Sasha: me too

Bayley: not me

Char: why?

Bayley: cause I dont want to lose my title

Sasha: well to bad

Aj: I just noticed something

Mandy: what?

Liv: sasha is only one from the 4 horsewomen you hasn't gotten a wrestlemania moment

Aj: damn it liv I was gonna say that

Sasha: that's so true

Bayley: we all know that's sasha isn't taking my title

Becky: well bayley you have to lose your title at some point

Lana: true

Sonya: so who do you want to lose your title to?

Bayley: no one

Brie: you suck

Mandy: ^

Sasha: bayley at wrestlemania you will lose your title whether you like it or not

Sarah: yes!

Carmella: yes!

Char: yes!

Ruby: yes!

Paige: yes!

Aj: i want to see bayley lose to sasha

Bayley: why?

Nikki: sasha hasn't won a solo title since 2017

Alexa: I know who took her 4th title

Sonya: we all know!

Liv: I hated that match tbh

Char: why?

Liv: sasha had the title only for 8 days

Becky: oh yeah that match was TERRIBLE

Alexa: smh😤

Sasha: what do you say bayley?

Bayley: deal!

Brie: now I cant wait for wrestlemania

Ronda: me too

A/N- next chapter coming later!

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