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Sasha added the girls to the group chat!

Sasha: hey dipshits!

Char:  you know sasha you can never shut your mouth up

Paige: true!!!

Lana: you have keep on talking

Sonya: is your mouth ever tired

Ronda: yeah banks you can't seem to shut the fuck up at all

Alexa: this why we hate you sometimes

Liv: I agree with them

Natayla: me too

Ruby: same

Sarah: ^

Sasha: fuck all of you

Carmella: fuck your stupid mouth

Brie: ^yeah banks

Bayley: HEY!!!

Aj: it would be best if you dont open your mouth again

Sasha: I see how it is I'm leaving this chat!

Sasha lefted the group chat!

Bayley: thanks a lot guys!

Becky: its fucking boring now

Aj: yeah it is

Sonya: this group chat is dead without sasha now

Ruby: yeah

Meanwhile sasha is in the group chat with the boys

Sasha: hey boys

Seth: could it be

Finn: it's the legend

Dean: the standard

Roman: the blueprint

Miz: the greatest women wrestler

Kofi: the legit boss

Woods: Sasha

Big E: Banks!!!

Sasha: awww thanks boys🤩

Dean: no problem sash

Seth: so what's up with you?

Sasha: nothing...

Miz: something is up🤔

Sasha: nothing is up

Woods: spill

Roman: the

Finn: tea

Big E: ☕☕☕

Sasha: the girls said I cant shut my mouth is that true?

Woods: umm....

Finn: sometimes

Miz: pretty much all the time

Sasha: wow fuck you guys!🖕🏽

Sasha has lefted the chat

Woods: oof!

Seth: yeah oof!

Back to the girls group chat

Carmella: this is char fault she brought it up

Sarah: TRUE

Sonya: let's blame char for this

Liv: ^

Mandy: ^^


Nikki: I know I'm late but you guys are so terrible to sasha and I get that sasha ain't that good of friend but we shouldn't be like that to her!

Paige: true

Bayley: why are you guys so mean to my girl for!

Alexa: we are regretting now

Sasha returned to the chat

Ronda: omg we are so so sorry!

Sasha: 🤐🤐🤐

Sonya: you can talk now

Sasha: 🤐

Bayley: you good?

Sasha: ...

Char: sasha look I'm sorry

Everyone expected sasha: WE ARE SORRY!

Sasha: 🤐

Bayley: babe come on

Sasha has lefted the chat!

Everyone: 💔😩😔

A/N: part 2 of this coming next!

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