A Gilded Cage

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A/N: I'm finally adding all the chapters to this on wattpad, frequent updates on tumblr and ao3.
You had seen a ghost. You almost thought nothing of it, but it had been months since you had seen the flashes of Arthur. This was different though, and the ghost had surely never looked this way before.

Arthur looked different. His hair was shorter, his eyes were filled with an emotion you hadn't seen on him in a long time. He had new wrinkles, a few around his eyes. Arthur's laugh were few, even when he was with you he was reserved, but you could still tell when he was happy, and right now he looked ecstatic.

Perhaps you were seeing things again, and he was just a figment of your imagination. But Arthur still stood even when you blinked.

He was there. He had returned to you.

Sunlight fell through the windows.

He nearly choked out your name, and then a true realization hit you like a ton of bricks. You were both frozen for a moment, the two of you staring into each others eyes like it was the last thing you would ever see.

You nearly ran into him, he held onto you so tightly as if you would slip through his fingertips. Tears fell through your eyes, your heart beating so wildly, filled with joy and disbelief, you were sure Arthur could hear it.

He brushed your hair down.

"I'm here." Arthur whispered to you, kissing the top of your head.

The sun glistened through the window, shimmering over the two of you. It felt like it had been raining forever, the sun had finally returned to you.

Lee called your name from the back room, and you quickly pulled away from Arthur, your hands suddenly shaking.

An even worse realization hit you again, this one much heavier than a load of bricks.

Your fiancé called your name again, this time louder. When you didn't respond he came out. Arthur's smile fell from his lips. Lee smiled at the 'customer'.

"Can I help you si-" Lee stopped himself, noticing your dread filled face. Anxiety and worry pooled in your stomach, you felt dizzy.

He couldn't know-



The weight of two worlds crashed against you, and with their falling, so did you.


Your name was called, once or twice, you weren't sure. It could have been Arthur's or Lee's, you didn't know anymore. Your eyes slowly opened, Lee sat at the edge of your bed, Arthur next to him, standing, watching you intently with worried eyes.

Lee smiled when you woke, as you sat up, feeling the messy sheets surround you.

Was that really Arthur?

"Arthur?" You choked out. Lee's face flashed with hurt as Arthur rushed to your side, leaving Lee nearly stunned.

"I'm back." He told you. You never thought you would see Arthur in the flesh again, those two words sounded like music and tears developed in your eyes just from his voice.

You hugged him tightly, and then you noticed Lee. Watching Arthur and you with hurt eyes and you pulled away from Arthur's hold.

"Are you alright?" Lee asked you, his voice laced with sympathy and remorse.

"I- I don't know how to explain this.." you whispered, covering your mouth like you'd been caught doing something you weren't supposed to.

"I know who he is." Lee murmured, staring out towards the windowsill.

The Ballads of Rebirth (Arthur Morgan x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon