⚠️ Will we meet again? | Yuri x F!Reader

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Ashen Wolves spoilers! Not too much tho. ⚠️
This takes place before the DLC, when no one knows about Abyss, except 'you know who I'm talking about'

Sometimes you asked yourself, How many mysteries does the Archbishop have? Will she ever reveal them? While having a more existential crisis, you heard something near your room, footsteps to be exact, at 2 am, close to you? now, this was your opportunity.

You grabbed your dagger and carefully placed it on your left boot. You decided to wear a cape you found to hide your face from familiar people even if it would be suspicious. You left your room, closing the door with your left hand on the doorknob, the right on the center and your left foot pushing forward, trying to make no sounds.

While going to the place where you heard the footsteps, you saw something moving, a blonde girl's hair cause of the wind to be exact. You heard a guy's voice saying something like.

"I'm not accompanying you anymore Constance, ask Balthus next time, not me."

"But Yuri, Balthus would break something if I turn around for a second! I need to be careful"

Then you couldn't hear the voices anymore, so you followed them, trying to make no noises at all. At one point, the "Constance" girl ran while the "Yuri" guy didn't. You tried to hurry up, slowly grabbing your dagger, it fell down and the sound was loud enough for the Yuri boy to hear it, and that happened, actually.

"What the- Whos there!"

At least you were able to quickly get your dagger back and pointed it forward but close to your chest, actually, you were pretty scared. Was this your end? Probably. Then, it happened, the guy was in front of you.

"Looks like we have an uninvited guest here, are you with the church? judging by your outfit I would say yes, then what are your intentions in Abyss."

"I-I don't understand anything of what you just said, I may be from the officer's academy but I'm not with the church, I'm just here cause of mere curiosity... I suspect of the Archbishop and I just wanted to search if I could find some information and here I am now, probably these are my last words so..."

"What about a little game now? If you win, you'll ask me three things you want to know about, but if you lose, I'll have to kick you out of here. Do we have a deal?

That was pretty sudden, from saying that you were with the church to "play a little swords game" with him? that was unexpected, but the deal was pretty tempting actually, maybe this guy can tell you some things about this place or more!

"Sure... but if the part of the 3 questions is a lie and you'll kick me out anyway or kill me, I'll tell the house leaders about this and bring them with me, ok?"

"Huh, what do I win with doing that anyway? A deal is a deal, so follow me, if we fight here, the others will hear and probably do something that you won't like so, just follow me, hurry."

You were s h o o k, so now you had to fight a guy or lose your opportunity to know more about this place and Rhea! but you only had your golden dagger, so maybe you could ask if he had an iron sword or something like that, even an Axe or Bow could work, at least in the morning you won against Dimitri, that's something, so maybe you could win against this Yuri boy too! When you arrived at the place, you asked him.

"Hey? Do you have another sword or something like that? Cause I only have a Dagger."

"To make this a fair duel, here, now, ready to lose, stranger?"

"Of course, Yuri boy."

And like that is how the "battle" started.
You did not want to kill him, so you would try to corner him or put your blade near his neck and stop. Both of you tried to not get hit by the swords, you were able to scratch a part of his hand, that was something. After some sounds of swords crashing, Yuri was able to scratch your face while you his jacket, both of you continued to get more and more scratches until you were able to corner him and place your blade near his throat and said.

"Well? Do I win, boy? Cause I think that I do!"

"I.. did not expect someone to be able to beat me, you sure are a good fighter, girl. As part of the deal, ask me anything you want and I'll gladly reply"

Now it's your chance! You had scratches on your face, legs, and arms but you didn't really care about that now.

"May I ask you about this place? I think that it's called Abyss, as you said earlier?"

You both were seating on the grass, panting and sweating cause of the "swords game", but you still had to ask him.

"Yeah, this place is like you saw, a 'town' under the Officers Academy. There's more people living here too, even a fourth house, the Ashen Wolves, and I'm the leader. A guy named Aelfric took us here when we were expelled from the academy."

"Fourth house... never heard of it before, neither Abyss, pretty interesting. So, does Rhea have anything to do with all of this?"

"Careful there, that's confidential information area, but yes, she does have something to do with this, but not such a big role tho. ¿Anymore questions?"

So, the last question for this guy? You didn't really have a clear idea of what to ask. Cause he would see you as someone who hates the church.

"There's one, the last one... ¿Will we ever meet again, Yuri boy? I think you are a really interesting person and well... maybe we can chat more someday? and my name is (Y/N)."

"Oh, that's a surprise. Who knows? Maybe yes, and nice to meet you, lass. I think you should go back to your room if you don't want to get into trouble."

"Yeah, nice to meet you too, Yuri."

And with that, You followed Yuri to the entrance and went to your room, happy with the new information you had and well, meeting him too.

3 days later...

You went back to your room after some sword practice with Felix, you dropped your sword and saw a letter on your bed, you opened it and it was from no other than... Yuri?!

Hey there, you must be surprised, but I want to see you. Meet me at Abyss, at 2 am if you can. Reason? There are some people I want you to meet and some things to see.


1143 words 🐢

*sounds of happiness*

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