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"Girl's y'all know the drill!" I grabbed my glove face mask and the ball. I headed to the mound and started to warm up. "Oh tik tok girl!" I heard some boys yell. I laughed and rolled my eyes "I bet she can't hit for shit!" I laughed and looked at them, "Keep talking shit go ahead but once our team kicks your teams ass you won't have anything to say." All their mouths dropped, I smiled and walked away.

"Coach I'll be right back!" I said jogging to the front of the field. "Oh hi Autumn!" I smiled and handed the ladies 25 tickets for Avani and them. "Here is tickets for Avani Gregg. If she comes. She is gonna be with a lot of others." They nodded and I jogged back to the field.

"YESS HANNAH!!" I screamed as she hit a beautiful line drive." I looked in the crowd and saw Avani and everyone. I smiled and grabbed my bat. We were 5 points down from the other team. We had 1 and 3rd filled. I need to either hit a homer in or a triple. "Alright let's go Autumn!!" I stepped into the box and got into my position.

"Strike 2!" I sighed and stepped out of the box, I looked at my coach, she nodded her head I nodded back. I stepped back in and she pitched, I felt the bat swing back and the ball go off it. "YES!" I ran to first then second and then third. "YESSS AUTUMN!!" I smiled and have a thumbs up. "YESS BEBE THATS MY WIFE!" I laughed and blew a kiss.

"Good job Girls! Amazing once again! Tomorrow we go to Nevada. Tonight we are staying in the hotel then tomorrow morning we are going to travel!" We all nodded and packed up, I ran to Avani and them. "Baby!" I said jumping in Avanis arms. "I've missed You omg!" I jumped down and hugged everyone, "JADEN!!!" I smiled and hugged him, "BABES!" I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Omg Kio!" I smiled and hugged him, "LOSER!"

I laughed and hugged Isla, "OMG ITS THE TIK TOKERS!" The boys said from early, "Hmmm u have balls for coming over even tho we won and you finna make fun of us." I said hugging Isla. "Hahha y'all cheated. That bat You use is fake." I laughed and pulled it out, "Hmm this bat the one I'm finna hit y'all with if you don't move and leave us alone?" They all laughed and ran away. "Fucken idiots."

"Alright guys come to the hotel with me." They nodded and we got onto the bus. "Guys this is my friends, they are gonna come to the hotel with me." They all nodded and waved, "Addison, Madi, Dixie, Kouvr and Avani get over here." They all nodded and sat down. Avani and Madi next to me and Dixie, Kouvr and Addison. We talked about everything we could and just caught up on Things.

Once we got to the hotel we got out and grabbed our things. We walked in and just laughed at jokes, "Autumn?" I turned around and saw Nick. "Nick?" He sighed and walked up to me. "Can we please talk?" I nodded and gave Payton Isla. We walked over to an empty room. "Listen Autumn I never meant to hurt you. Amelie and I didn't do anything but cuddle and watch movies nothing more. The only reason I was hanging out with her was because I missed you and holding you. And I guess she was just a distraction."

I nodded and looked at him, "You know you could have talked to me. You could have told me you didn't want me to be here. I could have stayed with you." He nodded and took my hands, "But this is your dream. I didn't want to take that away from you." I nodded and hugged him, "Nick listen I don't care if it was my dream, you and Isla mean more then that. You guys are my family and I would pick Family over anything." He nodded and kissed me, I kissed back and smiled.

"I love you Autumn I really do." I smiled and said I loved him back. "I leave tomorrow at 10." He nodded and we walked to the elevator. "I'm tired so I'm gonna shower and then sleep. Y'all are welcome to stay." They all nodded and I jumped into the shower then did my night routine. "Night guys love you." I cuddled Nick and Isla then closed my eyes.

I'm so sorry I posted so late! But this story is almost finished but I'm working on a second story!💜

Love Triangle/ Chase Hudson and Nick Austin Where stories live. Discover now