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"Payton!" I screamed at my younger brother took my phone. "Hmmm let's see who you've been talkin to!" I rolled my eyes and tried to grab my phone. "Mom! Payton won't give me back my phone!" I screamed from my room. "Payton give Autumn her phone back!" He rolled his eyes and tossed me my phone. I smiled and shut it off.

"Autumn you wanna go out with me and Payton in a little?" I nodded and got up, "Yea where we going?" She shrugged, "Idk Payton wants to go to the mall and or Chick-Fil-A." I nodded and walked over to my closet. "Ok I'll be ready in an hour." She nodded and shut my door.

I walked to my bathroom and got into the shower. I hummed to my playlist that was playing. After I got done, I got dressed and blowed dried my hair. I set up my phone and started a live. "Hey guys! How's everyone's day?" I asked and started to move my phone to my stand with All my makeup.

"Today's my birthday, Awww well Happy Birthday Ashley! I love you!" I smiled and started to put on mascara. "Guys ask me questions." I started to read the comments and laughed at some, "Are you dating or talkin to anyone? I am single and not talkin to anyone."

"Alright guys I got to go! I love you guys so much! I'll be posting at 3 tomorrow!" I ended the live and slid on my shoes and walked downstairs. "You ready?" I nodded and walked to Timber. "Come here boy!" He ran to me and jumped onto my lap. I smiled and looked over at Payton. "Yo that's my son!" I laughed and nodded, "Yea and your son loves me more!"

"Ok kids no more fighting. Faith please make sure they don't fight. They are like 6 year olds stuck in a 16 and 19 year olds body!" Faith laughed and nodded grabbing her keys and purse. I grabbed my wallet, charger and phone. "I call shotgun!"

I ran to the front and jumped in shutting the door, "Ughhh Autumn I wanted shotgun!" I laughed and buckled up, "Alright let's go!" Faith pulled out of the driveway and headed to Chick-Fil-A. "So Payt who's your cute friend umm I think his names Chase?"I saw him roll his eyes and heard Faith laugh. "What Chase is hot." I said shrugging.

We finished our food and headed to the mall. "So what's chases snap and Insta?" He shrugged and went back on his phone I laughed and went to his insta and looked for his Insta on there. "Hahha I found it loser!" He rolled his eyes and started texting someone. I followed Chase and soon got a notification that Chase followed me back.

"Alright let's go home!" I ran to the front before Payton and got in. "Hahha loser!" I said sticking my tongue out at him. I smiled and went on my phone. "Ohhh Chase dmed me!" He tried to grab my phone but I quickly moved so he couldn't. "Oh he said i am cute!" Payton unbuckled and tried to grab my phone again.

Hey how did a cutie like you find my insta?😊
Hahaha I saw you on my brothers insta feed and thought you were really cute☺️
Oh my little Payton boy?
yep that loser
Hahah well I can say you are the cuter lookin out of both of y'all
Thank you Chase!🖤
No problem cutie🖤

"Hahaha Chase said I was the better lookin than you!" Faith laughed and shook her head, "I swear I have 2 year old siblings that are stuck in 16 and a 19 year olds body!" I looked at faith and rolled my eyes, "No! I am more mature than she is!" I started to argue back until faith yelled at us, "Both of y'all shut up and get out!"

I got out and went inside and hugged Harley. "Hi baby!" I pet the rest of the dogs and went up to my room. I got a notification that Chase texted me.

Hey cutie
Hi chase☺️
Nothing much wbu?
Just talkin to a really cute girl
Awww thanks☺️🥰
No problem, we should FaceTime
Ok my number is ***-***-****

Hey It's Chase!
Hi Chase!
You wanna FaceTime
Of course!

I smiled and looked up to make sure I looked ok. I got interrupted by my phone. I looked and saw Chase wanted to FaceTime. I hit accept and smiled, "Hey Chase!" I said as I set my phone down. "Hi cutie!" I smiled and started to get my Things ready for bed. "So whatcha doin?" I shrugged, "Nothing much just taking off my makeup." He nodded as I wiped off my mascara and eyeshadow. "What time is it in North Carolina?" I looked at my alarm clock, "It's now 11:30." He nodded and picked up his controller for his led lights.

"So Hudson tell me about yourself." He thought for a little before speaking, "Well I am 17 I live in California with the boys in the hype house, umm I liked the color purple. And yea, now Moormeier tell me about you." I nodded, "well I'm 19, I like to play softball and volleyball. I am on a professional softball team and I love animals."

"Hmmm that's cool Moormeier." Chase and I stayed on FaceTime for a while before we both fell asleep while FaceTiming

Love Triangle/ Chase Hudson and Nick Austin Where stories live. Discover now