"Ms. Brooks are you having unprotected sex?" He talks to me like a disappointed parent, ignoring my request for him to leave yet again.

"It's for periods." I lower my eyebrows.

"That's what they all say." He shakes his head in tease, really annoying me for the first time.

I'm usually terrified of this man, but today he's just pissing me off and it was getting harder to hide it. I didn't want to snap because I don't know what the repercussions would be from it. And even without Harry I don't like to loose my cool with people, I hate confrontation so I'm used to swallowing my tongue.

I walk back away and grab my random assortment of clothes, realizing he wasn't going to leave like I wanted and I wasn't going to physically get him out myself.

I head to the bathroom again, not sharing another world while shutting the door behind me.

"I wasn't going to look you know." I hear him say through the wall.

I don't answer because I didn't want to say something mean back. As if he thinks I would just get naked in the same room as him like he's someone I would trust at all.

I lock to door and quickly get changed into a pair of jean shorts and a loose white t-shirt, really not putting any efforts in my clothing today.

I kept hearing a repetitive banging against the wall, not sure if it was the wall against the bathroom or another wall in the hotel room but he was definitely doing something in there.

Once I got dressed I combed out my wet hair, hoping when it air dries it won't become a frizzy mess. After that I apply some deodorant and a body spray, finally ready to go.

I open the door back up and see him still laying on the bed I've yet to sleep in. The sucker sat seamlessly in his mouth while he was bouncing a dirty tennis ball off the wall opposite from the bed.

I guess what was the banging I heard.

He threw it to the floor, causing it to bounce to the far wall and back to him over on the bed. I walked out and grabbed my small bag, throwing the strap on my shoulder so it levels to my hip.

"Ready?" I murmur.

He gets up off the bed, sucker in his mouth and ripped up green tennis ball in his palm.

I stomp on my green sneakers, immediately regretting it because they were a little damp at the souls. I scrunched my face up the minute I felt the moisture.

"Shoes wet?" He asks, sensing my reaction.

"A bit yeah." I murmur in disappointment.

"Don't you own other shoes?" He looks down at my sneakers that have definitely been worn in for a long time.

"No." I shake my head.

"Why are they green?" He keeps his stare down at my feet.

"Cause I like the colour green..."

"Oh!" He widens his eyes, looking up at my face for a second before back the the shoes. "You bought them like that?"

My face drops and I couldn't help but roll my eyes, I don't know if he was being serious or was making a joke.

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