Chapter 10

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"Would you like anything to eat?" Minho and Jisung had arrived in his dorm, and Minho had taken place in front of his kitchen. "It's not like I have much, there's a reason I was walking towards a 24/7 store earlier" Minho wiped his hair out of his face and laughed.

Jisung shook his head, "it's okay, I'm not hungry." He put his cold hand on his forehead, "I have a massive headache though."

"That's what you get for drinking a whole bottle." He laughed, "I have some medicine left somewhere, give me one minute."


Jisung decided to look around the dorm room while Minho was looking through his bathroom closets to find some painkillers to give to Jisung.

It was a really big room, enough space for a couch and a dining table. On top of all that, there was a big open space between a desk and the bed. College dorms aren't supposed to be this big, unless you share it with another student.

He heard Minho's footsteps come closer. "Here, drink this." Minho dropped an effervescent tablet into a class filled with water and shoved it over the dinner table, into Jisung's direction.

"Thank you." Jisung took another big look around the room, the glass with medicine in his hand. "Don't you have a roommate?"

"I used to, he left recently. I've been wanting to share it with a friend, but everyone has their space already."

"It looks nice here."

"Thank you, I decorated it by myself."

Jisung smiled.



"If you want," he walked away from the counter he was standing behind, "you can stay here tonight. If you don't feel like going home. I don't really know what's going on in your mind, but you were out at four am. If you need a place to stay, it can be here.

I only have one bed, because for some reason my roommate took the other one with him, but I'll gladly sleep on the couch if that'd give you some comfort."

"Minho, you are literally the sweetest, have I ever told you that?"

"We've known each other for two days, no you haven't."

"Well now you know." Jisung put his hand through his hair. "I'd love to take your offer, but I think my mother might get worried if I don't come home soon."

"Are you sure? It's four am already, wouldn't she be worried either way."

Jisung paused, "you're right, I don't want to wake her up."

"Good idea."

"It feels weird."

"What feels weird?"

"Staying here when we've only known each other for such a small period of time."

"It is kind of weird, but Jisung, we're friends now. I'm here to help you out whenever you need it. You do not wanna know how many times Chan has crashed here after a night out." He smiled.

"Thank you so much, Minho, I mean it."

"No problem! That's what friends are for." Minho walked towards a door in the back of the dorm, "I'm gonna take a few clean blankets, I don't think you'd want to sleep on mine."

Jisung laughed, "you're right, you're disgusting."

"What the fuck, this is bullying."

"You said it yourself."

Minho laughed, but disappeared into the laundry room anyway. Once he came back, Jisung had a question lingering in his mind; "I don't want to be annoying by asking this again, but genuinely, can you please not tell our friends? They'll either be worried, or give me the whole speech about drinking irresponsibly. And you know I was not drinking irresponsibly."

"You weren't, you were just about to dive into a fucking river irresponsibly."

"Look, that's a different story."

"I won't tell them, I promise. I do have a question though."

"How will I know you won't pull something like this again? I'm just as worried as our friends would be if they found out."

"You won't"


"You won't know."

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