Chapter Four

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Caranthir stayed still, looking to the blazing flames burning high with wide eyes

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Caranthir stayed still, looking to the blazing flames burning high with wide eyes. The smell of burning flesh hovered in the air, making his stomach twist in disgust. Daenerion laid down beside his rider, his dark violet eyes focus in his surroundings, trying to see if there were more foes.

"We must tell King Glorfindel, Lachril... I'm sure he will find a way to stop this madness with the humans," he said calmly to the silver-haired girl, who was staring at the pile of ashes with enraged eyes.

She lifted her head and slowly met his worried gaze, she took a deep breath and shook her head. "Yes...Yes, it's better we do that." Lachril said with a trembling voice, trying to control her anger.

As they were about to climb to Daenerion's back, the sound of flapping wings grabbed their attention. Looking up, they saw Viseral and Arcturion flying towards them. Glorfindel and Idhrendir land beside Lachril and Caranthir and climb down from their dragons, rushing towards the silver-haired girl while looking to scene around them.

"What happens here, Lachril?!" Glorfindel shouted, his rich voice full of concern. Idhrendir looked to his twin sister with a shocked face, confused by what had happened there.

"A group of men attacked us... " Lachril took a deep breath and looked to the beautiful face marble of her mother. "They had disrespected nana...called dragon's whore, a killer...a destroyed of worlds." there was a long silence after her words. Idhrendir and Caranthir closed their eyes in sadness and distress but a shiver ran down their spine when they saw Glorfindel's face.

Cold darkness radiated out from his body, his ocean blue eyes lost its shine and turned wrathful. His gaze fixed on the bloody corpses from the men, his fist clenches tightly with fury for the awful lies that those men told about his beautiful Dragon Queen, his knuckles turned white from his strength.

"Let's burn the other corpses... Tomorrow I will-" Glorfindel started but he was quickly interrupted by his daughter.

"They said that more are coming, Ada... The humans are rebelling against us! We need to act now! With fire and blood, I will honor my mother's House words!" Lachril growled quietly to her father, making him look to her with a frown on his face.

"We will not do such things, Lachril! That wasn't what your Nana would want!" he said with a firm voice. "Tomorrow I will assemble my council along with the Valar...There we will discuss this matter."

They all nod but Lachril glared to her father, grumbling something under her breath while walking towards her dragon with Caranthir close behind her back.

Glorfindel and Idhrendir order their dragons to burn the corpses, making a massive pile of ashes. They all climb to the dragons' back and flew back to I Lúg Post.


"You had come early than I thought, Mellon nin!" Ecthelion's voice runs through the large hallway, grabbing the King and Prince and Princess's attention.

"Yes...We had some problems during our flight, Mellon nin." Glorfindel said with a tired voice.

With his friend's words, Ecthelion's body went tense, worried about what had happened since he knew that his friend hasn't been himself since his wife died.

"What happen?" he asked quickly, looking to their concern faces.

"A little problem with humans...Tomorrow I will assemble my council along with the Valar." Glorfindel said while walking towards his study.

"Just a little problem!? Ada we have-" Lachril tried to speak up but her father wasn't having it.

"Enough! Lachril!" he snarls at her. Taking a deep breath, Glorfindel looks to his son. "Idhrendir. Do you mind escort your sister to her chambers?" Idhrendir nods and leads his fuming twin sister to her chambers.

Sighing, Glorfindel enters in his study with Ecthelion close behind. He sat on his chair and looks to his black-haired friend with a tired face. "Humans are rebelling against us... Lachril and Caranthir fought them today at Daenys's grave," Glorfindel said while looking to the large window beside him. "I don't know what to do, Mellon nin."

Ecthelion walks towards him and puts his hand on Glorfindel's shoulder, smiling gently down to him. "Don't worry, Mellon nin! I know you will do the right thing if something bigger comes to us," he said while staring at the vast land of I Lúg Post through the window. "Oh! That's right! Someone had arrived this morning." he said with a smirk on his lips, walking towards the door. "I will get them!" with that he left the large room, leaving behind a sorrowful golden-haired elf.

After some minutes, a knock was heard in the study's room, grabbing the elven king's attention. "Come in!" Glorfindel said firmly.

The door opens and Ecthelion walks in with a small figure follow him. "Your Grace! Here's Lady Nithroel Wysaran!" he said with a huge grin on his face.

At the sound of a familiar name, Glorfindel shot up from his seat, looking to the black-haired elleth in front of him.

"It's been some time, Mellon nin!" her cheerful voice made a smile spread on his face.

"Nithroel! My old friend! How I missed you!" he said while walking towards her, embracing her tightly.

Back in the first age, Nithoel had come with him and Ecthelion to Middle-Earth. Crossing the terrible cold lands of Helcaraxë, suffering with them and with Fingolfin House. The three of them had been best friends since there but after the fall of Gondolin, Nithoel had gone to the mountains, refuging there alone. Tired of the bloody and horrible wars.

She had the appearance of a pure Noldor elf, long soft black hair with beautiful pale skin and two large blue eyes. She was small but he knew better than underestimating her by her innocent looks. The elleth could kill a group of men under three minutes with no weapon, she was one of the best fighters that he knew.

"You look like shit, Mellon nin!" Nithroel said while looking to Glorfindel's tired face.

The smile on his face grew more with her words, Nithroel was the type of people that wouldn't hold their tongues. Always saying the truth even if it hurt a little but that's why he likes her so much.

"Life wasn't really nice to me...but you look well my friend!" he said while returning to his seat, Ecthelion also sat beside him but Nithroel stood in front of the elven king. "Tell me, Mellon nin. What brings you to I Lúg Post?" the golden-haired elf asked.

She smiles gently to him and bends in one knee, putting her sharp sword at Glorfindel's feet. "I'm done with the cold air of the mountains... done being alone on that damn lands." Nithroel took a deep breath and look to him. "I've come to give you my sword, Mellon nin... to swear my loyalty to the King of I Lúg Post and fight beside him when the time comes," she said proudly.

Glorfindel stood up and grab her hand, lifting her up from the floor. "Mellon nin...You don't need to bend the knee to me. You are welcome in my kingdom and know that you have a home here...and a family." he said with a teary smile, pulling her into a tight embrace.

After their emotional moment, they sat on their seat. Nithroel put her sword on her waist and look to Glorfindel with a sad smile. "Tell me about her."

He nods and begins telling the tales of his Dragon Queen to his friends. Smiling softly at the memories of his beloved wife. 

Hey Guys!!! Here a new chapter! I hope you like it and feel free to comment and tell me what you think!

Also, Nithroel is a character request from @Zombicorn3000 😊😊 I hope you like it!!


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