Chapter Three

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"Are you okay back there?" Lachril's voice broke through the air as Daenerion flew high in the blue sky

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"Are you okay back there?" Lachril's voice broke through the air as Daenerion flew high in the blue sky.

The black-haired elf sitting behind her with his strong arms wrapped around her waist only nod slowly and peek from her back, seeing the beautiful view from the skies. A small gasp escaped from his lips as Caranthir saw the gorgeous vast lands of Middle-Earth, seeing in the distance little humans' towns and villages. The warmth coming out from Daenerion's scales warm them up as the strong cold wind hit their bodies harshly.

"This is absolutely beautiful!... Where are we going?" Caranthir said while marveling at the view before him.

"To my mother's grave... It's beautiful there." Lachril's voice was for a second a little sorrowful but Daenerion's roar distracted Caranthir from it.

They flew east, towards where the savior of Middle-Earth was buried. The sound of Daenerion's wings was like thunders, making all the living beings on the ground terrified from the massive shadow on the sky.

Caranthir sighs softly and rests his head on the silver-haired girl back, smiling gently as a peaceful feeling spread through his body.


"So, it's decided then! After this day, I Lúg Post Kingdom will trade food and other material in a change of military protection from all towns and villages near my kingdom!" Glorfindel said, putting an end to the meeting.

The small lords and leaders begin leaving the room, bending their goodbyes to the King and Prince of I Lúg Post. Happy that their homes and family will be protected and having food from powerful elves.

As Glorfindel and Edhrendir were about to stand up from their seats, a Lord from one of the towns came forward. His rough face full of wrinkles and scar wars, his hair jet black hair was beginning having grey hair spreading through his head.

Glorfindel notices a frown on the human man's face, his dark eyes burning with disgust and rage. "Is there a problem, Lord Dickson?" the golden-haired elf said with a calm voice.

"Actually, My King...Yes, yes there is!" he said with a firm voice.

"Care to explain?" Glorfindel said with a sigh, rubbing his finger on his eyes.

"A week ago, some of my men had seen one of your dragons fly by my town!...and some of my villagers said that their goats and cows have been disappearing, saying that they found the grass burned on the spot of the animal." the older man said with his voice full of detest.

Glorfindel and Idhrendir looked to each other, their eyes filled with concern. The elven king was predicting that sometime like this would happen but he couldn't just lock the dragons, it wasn't what his dragon Queen would want. A dragon isn't a slave.

"I'm deeply sorry for what my dragons had made and for that, I will grant you more farm animals and one bag full of gold." Glorfindel's voice was calm and soft as he stood up from his chair.

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