Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s POV

After Halloween night, things became confusing. Next morning, I tried to ask if I could go out and play with Michael but mom said that it wasn't possible since Michael was sick and he was taken to hospital. Couple days later mom and dad sold the house and we needed to move again. I really liked to live here because of Michael and I couldn't understand why we were moving again. Mom and dad never talked about it. Whenever I asked if I could go and see Michael at the hospital, dad said that it wasn't possible because he was so terrible sick that they wouldn't let anyone go to see him. I was little heartbroken because I couldn't see my best friend even after a long time. When we moved to Phoenix, Arizona. Mom said that it was a new beginning to us and that we needed to forget everything about Haddonfield.

Whenever I asked about Michael from my parents, they said that they couldn't remember him. While I grew up with my parents, they started to tell me that Michael was an imaginary friend that I had when I was 5 years old. But he seemed to be so real to me and I could swear that he was! I always fought with them about that but I never saw him again. When I was a teenager, I truly believed that Michael was only imagination and I tried to forget him. Mark never wanted to talk about him, so maybe he was only a creepy imaginary friend?

*15 years later*

When I graduated from high school, I started a business school. I moved back to Haddonfield because something dragged me back there and it always felt like home to me. I bought my own house when I had enough savings for it. I worked along with my studies and after years of hard work, I could finally buy my own house. My parents tried to help me pay for it but I refused because I knew there would be a catch. My parents are wonderful but they're overprotective and control freaks. But I love them regardless. I also adopted a black cat named Toby. He's my little baby but he's independent so usually he would only observe everyone. He comes to cuddle with me rarely but when he does, he cuddles for hours and wouldn't leave me alone.

I unpacked the final box and then I was ready. I looked around my new home. There were boxes everywhere and some furniture were already on their places. Finally! My own house. I can give myself a pat on my back from all the hard work to reach this achievement. This is the first time I live on my own because of my parents. They wanted to move here too with me, but I had to talk with them to stay in their house and let me finally fly away from the nest. It was tough love, but they got the message. I was an adult now! I don't know why they became so overprotective, but when I was younger it started. My mom almost fainted when I told them that I was moving here.

I look at Toby, who was sitting by the window. He was looking outside but he never wanted to go out. I tried to show him outside world when I still lived with my parents but he always ran back in or meowed at the door. I walked over to him and patted his head. I look outside to see what he was looking. I saw a lot of different people, who were walking around and having great time. Some kids were playing right in the middle of the street. "Come on Toby. There's food in your bowl." He only sat there, ignoring me. He hadn't eaten yet so I walk over to the bowl and shake it. It makes a nice little sound and Toby immediately turns around and runs to the bowl. He always wanted me to shake it before he eats it.

I laugh a little. I get up and walk over to my wall calendar. I start looking through it. Halloween was only two days away and I was little excited because of it. I have always loved Halloween because of all the decorations and candy and horror movies on the TV. I walk over to my Halloween decoration box and start putting them all around the house. Toby was watching me all the time but sometimes he pushed down some of the decorations on the floor, almost breaking them. "Toby, stop. You have your own toys over there. We can play later." Toby only looks at me and then pushes another decoration off the table.

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