Chapter 4: Aftermath

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Eri screamed. The scream bounced off the walls of the lab before coming to an abrupt stop. Blood danced through the air before reverting back to its original place, inside Eri.

Eri didn't make a sound. The fear of her father had consumed her and the fear told her not to make a sound, not even a peep.

Overhaul stood over his daughter. She was strapped down to the medical table as the extracted blood. No remorse found its way inside him as he stared at the girl's pitiful and horrible state. One emotion had found its place inside him though, annoyance.

Eve was supposed to be here 5 minutes ago but had failed to show up. Overhaul had told her to end her hobby as she had been late to work constantly for the past 2 and a half weeks. Today was the day she had to end it but she wasn't here yet and that annoyed the man to no end.

"Sir," One of the doctors said. Overhaul turned to the man, hiding his expression. "We are ready to begin again"

"Good. Continue"

He would deal with Eve later, slowly and painfully. Little did he know, Ever was dead, lying in a pool of her own blood.



Isaac broke out of his sleep and his head shot up from the table. His head felt like it had been split open by an axe and his body didn't feel much better.


Isaac snapped his eyes to the door. It was blocked with a tool cabinet and reinforced with a bed. Isaac's heart rate increased, could it have been a Necromorph? A crazy person? A person looking for held? Isaac didn't know.

After a moment of silence, he looked around the room, slowly. He was in his workshop/bedroom.

"How the fuck did I get here?" He asked himself.

His workbench was completely deserted of all clutter that was there beforehand, moved to the Quartermaster he guessed. The Suit he had been working on was still there, menacingly smiling in the corner, maybe Overhaul didn't need it after all. The only thing out of place was the bed and the tool cabinet.

After a moment of deliberation, Isaac pushed himself to his feet and tried to take a step forward only for his broken toes to howl in pain. He fell but planted a hand on the workbench, stopping his fall. "Fuck... Fuck, it hurts"

He breathed in a heavy breath and got to his feet. His toes protested but he pushed through. Now on his feet, he planted himself back on the stool.

He brought his left leg over his right thigh. He inspected his toes. Almost every single one was a deep purple and bent horribly out of place. Isaac winced at the sight. Then an old medical technique came to mind.

"What did Nicole do? Hold it like this... Then pull?" Isaac pulled sharply on one of his toes. With a small but painful crack, the bone was placed roughly back into place. "Fuck... Four more to go... Then the other"

Isaac repeated the painful proceed until all toes were put back into place. The pain was still bad but not as bad as before. He swung his legs round to the side and stood up. A sharp twang of pain sparked in his toes but it was bearable

"Ok... Walking sorted... Now..." He looked to the suit. "Time to get out if here.

Isaac didn't care how he ended up his room. The last thing he remembered was Eve's torture chamber and he was just glad he was gone from there.

He put the Suit, R.I.G already attached and pulled on the neck guard. The Suit was far from comfortable but it did it's job just fine for Isaac, comfort was a good price to pay for not having your limbs hacked off by Necromorphs. The helmet began to assemble around his head.

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