"I really want to slap you right now. How many times do I have to repeat this? Now, you are not alone. Even if you don't want to eat, this baby will definitely need food correctly. She may be hungry right now that's why you feel like fainting." I yelled. She didn't even utter a word.

I went downstairs and prepared pomegranate juice. I ran upstairs again and gave her the juice. She made an annoying face and I glared at her.

"No other way. Drink this fully and take rest" I said looking at my phone checking for my nurse message.

"No rest, I am fine. Students are waiting for me and they asked me to teach one topic today so I wanna go" she said slowly.

"I don't know how you have this gut to talk to me like this when I caught you red-handed. You are not going anywhere" I said sternly.

"Rithik, please. I need to prepare them for board exams" she pleaded badly.

"I don't care about anyone except you right now so no means no. They are not primary school kids so they can learn themselves for a day atleast" I said and asked her to drink.

She drank slowly and looked at me after completing half the glass.

"I can't able to drink more" she whined. I don't know what to do except starring at her.

"It's your punishment so you have to drink fully and I am not going to repeat this again" I said glaring at her.

She drank slowly making me relief. She looked at me innocently to let her to tuition.

"I am fed up with you mythu. Why can't you think about you or our baby? Don't stress yourself more. If you ask one more time, I will definitely cancel this tuition for atleast an year. Remember it" I scolded her. She made a puppy face and layed down silently.

After an hour, I asked the students to disperse and waited for the blood result. A message popped up in my phone and I immediately downloaded the page. I looked at her report. I was so turned with angry in a minute. I ran to my room and she looked at me.

"You are coming to hospital tomorrow morning without any whining and I am gonna admit you there compulsorily" I screamed at her. She got afraid of me.

"Wh.. What happened?" she stammered.

"Everything happened. Low BP, low blood platelets, low iron and everything is low. You are definitely gonna regret for not eating lunch" with that I stormed off.

I gave her dinner and asked her to sleep early. I too slept with her.

I wokeup early and asked Mythu to get ready. She whined at first and later silently got ready. I prepared breakfast and asked her to eat. I too ate with her.

"Can I call my mom to accompany me?" she asked. She hates hospital from her childhood.

"No, it's your punishment. You are not getting any comfort from this" I said without looking at her. She kept quite.

We soon reached the hospital and I lead her to my cabin. I asked my nurse to come after half an hour.

I asked her to stand in a weighing machine and she did slowly. I sighed after watching it.

"Now, low weight too. I really don't know how I am going to manage you for another 7 months with this baby. Now, go and lie down there" I said moving to my cabinet.

I took out some medicine and saline bottle and moved towards her. She looked at me so sadly but I held a very stern face.

"Turn towards that side" I said while preparing a strong iron vaccine.

"Rithik, please. Show some mercy on me." she stammered. I can sense that her eyes are teary already.

"Mythu, your tears are not going to change my decision. If you want our baby to be healthy, then you have to take this so don't cry" I said wiping her tears.

She slowly turned towards her side and I pulled her leggings down. I wiped and inserted slowly. She let out a scream suddenly because of the pain. I did quickly and rubbed her hardly.

After that, I connect an iv in her hand. She didn't utter a word except her tears. I moved to my chair and grabbed my coat. I again moved towards her.

"I am going for rounds now. Will be back in an hour. If you want anything, call me okay?" I asked her and she nodded. I went out and asked a nurse to give her company.

After my rounds, I went to my room and saw her lying simply looking at the floor. I went towards her and made her sit.

I asked her to drink the juice which I asked the nurse to buy for her. She glared at me and took the juice.

I moved to my chair and asked the nurse to proceed my appointments. I attended continously many patients till afternoon. I watched Mythu frequently.

I took her iv out and we both ate our lunch silently.

"Are you angry on me even now?" she asked me. I raised my head slowly.

"No. I just more concerned about you and I am angry on myself for not caring about you" I said.

"No, it was my mistake. I won't do this hereafter, I promise you" she whispered. I kissed her forehead.

"When will you take me home?" she asked immediately making me chuckle.

"Not now, you still need two more iron injection so we both will leave after my work" I said.

"Rithik, please. I don't want more" she said. "You are getting it so eat now" I said and ate my lunch slowly.

After lunch, I gave her another shot even though she protested more and connected iv again and asked her to sleep.

I continued my appointments and it went more than two hours. My fellow lady doctor came into my cabin and discussed about a case with me.

I took her iv out in the evening and prepared the last shot for her. She immediately stood up and looked at me pleading.

"Rithik, please. Leave me. I don't want another" she said. I took the medicine in a syringe.

"Last one and I will take you home after this" I said moving towards her. She herself sat in the bed silently. She really wanted to go home early.

I slowly did it and consoled her after that. Finally I took her to home. It was fun to watch your wife whole day.

"Two days tuition were spoiled because of you" she complained. She won't change.

"Oh god, Mythu, think about yourself first" I said.

"No, their parents are trusting me so much that I have to prepare them well. If you are given some position, then you need to be dutiful than thinking about yourself. That's tests your royalty" she said. I want to bang my head. I don't know how to make her understand.

"Fine, do whatever you think but at the same time, I want you perfect in your health otherwise like I said, there is no tuition for next batch students" I said clearly. She glared at me but finally obeyed my words. I am so proud to have her as my wife.

I prepared dinner and we both ate together. She slept early because of the tablets she took.

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