Kla, Champ and Moving on

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Today was another milestone in Techno's life, his palms were sweaty as he sat on a park bench waiting for Kla. Champ sat with him unlike a few months ago when he spoke to his brother. He needed the support because he felt he could not do it alone.

But as he saw Kla approaching he turned to Champ and said " I got this, come back in thirty minutes".

Champ turned to stare at him and said " your shaking and sweating like you just did ten laps on the football field and you want me to leave you alone with him"?

That comment made Techno busted out laughing, and leaned over giving Champ a quick kiss on his lips. Kla stopped when he saw that and the smile fell off his face. "So they really are together he thought".

Champ got up and walked away, he figured he will just talk a stroll around the area. He turned just before he walked out of sight, an saw Kla taking a seat across from Techno.

Kla started talking as soon as he sat down.

"P'No am so happy you called, I missed you so much. We haven't had a chance to talk, everyone keeps hiding you from me. Even your brother, he told me that he will end our friendship if I kept trying to contact you".

"So I stopped calling you P'No didnt mean I didnt care about you but I didnt want to lose my bestfriend either. You understand right"?

"Is that the first thing you have to say to me"? Asked Techno

Kla looked at him in confusion, and that's when it became ingrained firmly in Techno's mind that Kla didnt feel regret over what he did to him. And his last sliver of hope for an apology and the last feeling of regret for what he was about to do slipped away.

But he said anyway, " do you not feel regret or shame over your actions"?

"No, I knew you were drunk P'No but you didnt tell me no that night. So I figured it was ok because I love you and everything I did was because I loved you".

Wow Techno thought, let's blame the victim.

" But I should have let you know how I felt about you. I realize that now because I do love you with all my heart still" said Kla

" But I don't love you Kla, I never did. I did care about you and maybe, a BIG FAT maybe it could have been more back then before you killed any hope of that with your actions". Said Techno

"Am sorry P'No, can we start again? We can maybe date slowly" said Kla with a big smile.

"No Nong Kla, Techno said firmly before continuing.

"The time for that has passed, I love Champ and he has stayed with me throughout this pass year".


"Dont you understand the dept of your actions? You took something that was never yours to take, my first time should have been with him not a drunken night with you that sent me into depression and self hate".

"But P I love you and wanted to be with you. I could make you happy if you let me" said Kla

Techno slammed his hand down on table and yelled.

"That's not a fucking answer or excuse for your actions. Your kind of love is toxic and obsessive. I paid with my body and mind for the price of your obsession" Techno said

Kla stared at Techno with shock, he was sure that Techno will give him the same treatment as his brother and he can slowly win him over the right way this time.

"We can never be friends, acquaintance or anything am sorry as of today we are forever strangers" Said Techno

"P'No please dont say that", Kla said while he started crying.

Techno looked at him and said " Tears, begging, nothing you do will change my mind".

"I have nightmares, I went to Therapy for almost a year and until recently I could not even kiss my boyfriend. You almost ruined my life with your obsession".

Techno hardened his heart while looking at the crying guy before he made his demands.

"Kla, you will go to a class for obsessive behavior, attention one for sexual violence and victimization and lastly see a Therapist".

That stopped Kla's tears while he stared at Techno in shock.

"This is non negotiable, if you don't am going to the police. Am sure you will get away with it but your family will suffer embarrassment".

"Do we have a deal? And I also want a progress report. Please turn in that progress to Nic he will keep me up to date on this".

After thinking for a while, Nic gave a nod of his head, Techno pulled out a piece of paper and passed it to Nic.

The paper was an affidavit drafted by Champ family lawyer stating the classes that Kla had to complete along with seeing a Therapist. He had a year to complete everything.

After reading it, he stood up pulled out he cell phone and made a call to his lawyer and also sent a photo of the affidavit. They talked for another ten minutes before he hung up and came back to the table before signing and passing the sheet of paper back to Techno.

Techno took it, took up and started to walk in the direction that Champ walked off early.

"Is that it, nothing more? Are we really going to end this way after so many years"? Asked Kla

Techno stopped walking but didnt turn around instead he said with his back to Kla " we all have to pay the price of Obsession, your obsession Kla".

With those words he kept walking as Kla called his name again. In the distance he could see Champ walking out of the tree line and he started towards him and the future ahead of him.

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