Fall Out

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Techno POV

Why? Why did this happen to me?
Techno started out of his hotel window at the endless sea of darkness. He wished he could get drunk again to forget his pain, his humiliation, and the feeling of powerlessness that has engulfed his life recently. But he could not, he has not touched alcohol since that unforgettable day.

He glanced at his phone, it was Kengkla again calling for the 100th time, but Techno didnt care, he didnt answer. He wondered how his brother who he loved even more than himself could do that to him?

" am I such a horrible person" he thought? May be I should just end it all was the thoughts running around his head.

This time it was a message from Type
"Hey asshole, where are you? You have not been seen to school in three weeks, I even went to your house looking for you but no one knows where you are at or have seen you. Call me back or am gonna give you the beating of your life, you asshole friend".

It was Kengkla again, but this time it was a message unlike those other times.
"P'No, you have to take responsibility for your actions. Why are you not answering my calls, I have been calling you for three weeks. We are together now, you should answer my calls "
End Message

Hearing those words broke something inside Techno, his mind exploded in such rage he started to shake. Gripping the phone so hard, he stabbed the call button dialing Kengkla number.

"Hello P'No, about time you called me back. Do you know how much I have missed you? Where are...

Techno cut him off, Speaking in a voice full of rage and pain he said.
"HOW DARE YOU? Take responsibility? If you were in my face right now, I will kill you and bathe in your blood you bloody asshole". You think this is ok? That I will just forgive you and be with you? NEVER! You hear me you raped me, you took something that was not yours to take. Yes I was drunk, but that is no excuse on your part. You set this up with my brother, working with him for months. How could you Kla? How bloody could you? The only reason your not in jail right now is because I don't want my brother in jail with you. Now you flipping, liar, stalker you are DEAD to me. You hear me! DEAD! Don't call me again."

That little bastard did not even seemed like he felt remorse. Like he did nothing wrong, business as usual.


Techno opened the door without thinking, so lost in his own thoughts.
His eyes widened in shock and he quickly tried to close the door.

"Ouch, darn it No that's my foot your slamming the door on you idiot".

"How did you find me?"

"It was very hard, but my brother is a police detective remember ".
" Why are you hear Techno?, Why haven't you been coming to school?, and lastly why haven't you been taking my calls?"

"Yeah asshole" says Type standing behind Champ in the hotel doorway.

Seeing his friends Techno broke down and started crying while blurting out the whole story of that night. Type listen is silent rage, he wanted to leave right then to handle Techno's brother and his treacherous bestfriend. But No stopped him, saying that he don't want anyone else to know. How he was so embarrassed that this happened to him and he doesn't want his parents to find out, that this will destroy his family.

During this entire speech and conversation, of Type asking his questions of how this happened? And if he knows why his brother helped Kengkla,Techno did not once look at Champ. How could he? He felt too ashamed, too afraid. How could he explain this away to his Boyfriend of three weeks and two days?

The Price Of Obsession (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz