Techno's Revenge

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Champ only took Techno to the zoo because he knew his dislikes and wanted to get him out of his comfort zone. I mean really, how can anyone be afraid of catfish, yes their eyes and mustache are creepy but come on, not like it's a great white shark.

He felt really guilty after and let Techno order dinner and picking that night move.

Techno picked jaws with evil glee, because tomorrow was his date pick and they were going to Pattaya, all the plans were in place he could not wait.

Getting up early than he usually do Techno, packed their need gear in secret.

He made sure he has all his necessary paperwork and extra cash then he woke up Champ with the biggest smile on his face.

Seeing that smile Champ should have gotten suspicious but he was so happy to see one of his baby gentle cute real smiles. He just went along with his plans without asking questions.

Once arriving in Pattaya, that's when he started to get nervous. What was No planning? He should have asked questions, but he didn't. He hated jaws last night, that man eating shark always gave him the creeps and he avoided the ocean for a few days after.

Looking over at Techno he didn't think he would do "That" to him. He apologized a million times last night and No said he forgave him. But did he really?

The taxi stopped at a PADI dive center in Pattaya called Dive in Pattaya. Oh shit thought Champ.

"No, baby, my football Captain and best boyfriend ever. Please, don't tell me". Pleaded Champ

Techno busted out laughing, he was holding his sides and tears started streaming down my face. He has not laugh like that in a long time.

"Champ,said Techo in between fits of laughter I am your first boyfriend, your the team Captain now".

" And Champ no matter how much you beg we are going scuba diving, I have all our gear and open water dive certificates. This is my payback, suck it".

Champ slowly followed an excited Techno into the five shop, in his mind he is picturing a great white shark gobbling him up bite after bite.


He then walked over to Techno, took the bag and started to look through it. Searching for that one item that can make him feel better, his dive knife.

When his hand close over the handle, he almost cried. Thank you, thank you he kept repeating to himself.

Techno stood at the counter still laughing  looking at his boyfriend acting like a big baby. Really a great white was going to get them, oh please.

As he was settling up the payments, the bell over the door rang as Tharn and Type walked in and went to the counter to get set up for a day of fun, they had three dives planned for that day.

They double checked all the gear, before heading to the boat to begin a day of diving.

Once getting on the boat, they each had three thanks assigned. Each person check the oxygen levels, made sure they had weights, cleaned their mask and applied defogger. After setting that up they connected the regulator, made sure the dive computer was working.

They also discussed a plan incase someone got hurt, since this was Tharn's first open water dive. He only got certified a week ago, this was his and Type's date actually. Techno only butt in last night because he knew they were going and wanted to torment Champ.

Once they arrive at the dive site, they got set up first by putting out the dive flag.

Once they arrive at the dive site, they got set up first by putting out the dive flag

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After that each diver stepped into the water and indicated they were ok. Once every was in the water Techno swam over to Champ.

"Champ, if you really don't want to dive. You don't have to, this is a serious thing and I would rather you safe".

"I know Techno, I want to do this with you".

After that the dive guide, went over the rules again, and have the signal for everyone to go down and get neutral in the water.

It was a wonderful day for the friends, Type was like a fish, moving like he was born to water. Even the guide was impressed, they took lots of underwater photos and had a blast at each site.

After the last site Type turned to Champ and said.

"Did you see Jaws in the water today".

That sent everyone in a fit of laughter, Tharn and Type were staying the night and asked the others to stay. They agreed but Techno insisted on separate rooms, he didn't want to be traumatized again. That night will forever be burned into him memory.

"Why do you need a separate room" asked Tharn

Type looked at Techno daring him to answer that question.

" We just want to give you guys privacy"  replied Techno

The boys had a grand time that night, watching muay thai matches and even walked down boy alley for fun. The shows down that alley are not for the faint of heart, the things that woman did with a dart and a balloon would blow anyone's mind.

A beautiful kattoy, also started to hit on Tharn making Type jealous. Champ and Techno laughed when Type finally could not take it anymore, walked over grabbed Tharn and kissed him right in the middle of the street.

As they all walked back to the hotel, Techno realized that he was holding Champ's hand. Looking over at Champ in shock, he could only stare at him.

"Yes, you have been holding it most of the night No. I know I don't say this often but I love you Techno".

Once again Champ got to see that sunshine smile that he had missed in the last few months. Nothing lit up his life like Techno smile.

" I love you too, thank you for sticking with me".


"Hey, assholes shouted a tipsy Type hurry up I wanna go to sleep".

"Wow someone sure knows how to ruin a moment" grumbled Champ

Once again Techno started to laugh, that smile stayed on his face all the way until he fell asleep.

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