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"What if soldiers didn't fall in battle?" The screens behind Evangeline faded as overhead projectors turned on. The Pangea Technologies logo was depicted on either side of the spokeswoman. "What if casualties were no longer a reality of missions?"

" What if your son got shot in battle," She continued, "and was able to just transport himself to the aid station to be repaired and sent home?" A skeleton replaced each logo on either side of Evangeline. "Your daughter is a firefighter who got burned, and isn't slowed down by the pain. Police who take shots from fugitives, and then finish their assignment and were repaired. Free to go home to their families within hours."

The skeletons grew nervous systems, veins and muscle. Each layer of imagery was distinguished by bright colors, allowing the audience to tell the bright red veins from the pink muscle and bright white digital bones.

"This program, deemed the Sentry Program, started off with some very extreme answers to our questions. How can we better repair bodies in the field? How can we intercede life threatening injury before it becomes life ending?"

"One of our most extreme ideas became the end game and in working towards it we came up with numerous breakthroughs in science and medicine.

"Humans feel pain. It immobilizes them and they cannot function." She explained. "This means people cannot continue the mission and in the real world- in realities like Mount Vesuvius- it can cost people their lives. So how do we stop people from feeling pain?" She gave the audience a moment while she stepped around one of the holographic skeletons. "How do we effectively pause pain long enough for human beings to save themselves, to save each other?"

The audience looked less excited, some of them looked very curious while some peeked down at their programs or cell phones.

Bone breaks appeared on the two skeletal projections. The skeleton to the left of the speaker, had a compound fracture of the ulna and radius in the right arm. The body on the right had a closed fracture in the fibula of the right leg. The screens identified the bone names and type of fracture.

Digital rings circled the limbs on either side of the broken bones. Connections appeared between the two rings, proceeding to multiply until there was a cylindrical containment spread over the extremity.

Split view appeared and the digital mesh cylinder anchored itself through the muscle and into the broken bones. Once the anchors were settled into place, the cylinder shifted, setting the fractures. Once the fractures were set, the cylinder clamped down onto the surface of the skin and settled there.

"This graph is a digital cast. It numbs the injury with an electrical signal that pulses in such a way as to disengage the nerves. This graph sets the injury and stabilizes it. In our trial runs, the injury is stable enough for light to medium duty as soon as the graph is set in place. We've deemed this 'Immediate Interactive Human Repair.' Graphs are only a part of our new division. Within the next few months we intend to launch more types of Interactive Human Repair. Imagine being able to cure the common cold. Repair a faulty heart with this same graph technology." She gestured to the 3 dimensional image.

"Every technological medical system needs to have an operating system." A small glowing light appeared in the brain of each skeleton and spread through the body, near the nervous system. "Pangea would like to introduce the Brain Chip. It tracks the nervous system and joins together with receptors that transmit most of the feelings in the human body. The Brain Chip, combined with this Interactive Repair technology, allows humans to simply shut off the pain."

The audience looked less excited. Some of them began to shift uncomfortably, others murmured to their neighbors.

"The chip, transmits into specific suits or gear that holds the rings that transmit the graph across the wearers body." Evangeline seemed enthusiastic, as though she had not noticed her audience.

She continued, "People who undergo the procedure to implant the Brain Chip, remain just as human as before, but they gain the ability to immediately repair themselves. They can shut off pain, they no longer have to feel cold or hot. Hypothermia will claim fewer lives as people would be able to continue moving forward. We can even reuse the human tissue left over when someone dies."

There were murmurs and whispers in the audience.

"Studies show that bodies preserved from the moment of death, can be reused within our Sentry program. Body parts can be separated from the host corpse and replaced in living humans, the graphs allow us to keep the neural signals functional from the old host to the new host. There are no more failed transplants from dead nerves or dead tissue.

"We can implant the Brain Chip and create Sentries. Sentries are reanimated human bodies capable of being controlled from a safe distance and have every human motion and ability that you or I do. It's as simple and installing the Brain Chip and allowing the graphs to take hold of the body's nervous system."

The holograms around her followed her speech. There was a glowing in the brain of the figures as the Chip activated and a grid spread from head to toe. The holograms went through a series of movements that showed the animation Ms Brent was speaking of.

The audience grew louder as they watched the spectacle happening on stage. 

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