his girl

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sam held his baby, your baby, close to his chest. he swayed and bounced in an attempt to get his little girl back to sleep after a late night feed. it was almost like he was a natural. after only ten days at the job, he was an expert.
you watched your boyfriend kiss his baby's head and stroke her back with his thumb. you'd both woken up to the sound of her cried but he insisted you get some sleep. of course, however, you couldn't. you knew sam was never really prepared to be a dad. he doubted himself in the few months leading up to the birth. he always panicked he was doing everything wrong by his daughter. no matter how much reassurance you gave your boyfriend, he always wanted to give you and his daughter the best treatment.
this was the sight you'd always dreamed of.


you spoke up, slightly startling sam. he looked to you with a growing smile.

"i love you."

"i love you."

sam whispered, trying not to wake the baby back up.

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