a song for us

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"what do you want for your birthday?"

sam asked as you both sat on the sofa in his apartment. your best friend had always wanted to give you everything he could. your boyfriend hated sam but you adored him the most.

"something genuine. don't spend any money."

it was clear he had a thought. then soon enough, he left the lounge and ran up the stairs, presumably to his studio.
hours upon hours passed and the sun began to set. you drank the last few sips of your red wine as the stairs creaked and sam returned to the lounge.

"i have your birthday present."

your birthday wasn't for another few days but you let it slide. you became incredibly curious.
sam sat in front of you and propped his guitar on his lap.

"i wrote you, us, a song."


you smiled, trying to conceal the huge affection spread over your face. a small feeling of panic sat in your stomach as something as intimate as a song would drive your boyfriend mad.

"go ahead."

he began lightly strumming and built up his cue to sing.

"you know i'll be down here, waiting.
i take you to see your man.."

even though it was only the first line, your heart was coming through my chest. he continued to sing and you continued to completely admire him.

"i love it when you call me lover, oh lover, oh lover.."

sam finished and looked at you and awaited a judgement. you had to process how sam had exposed your secret romance in a song that sounded so bittersweet.

"that was something, but it was beautiful."

"i'm glad you liked it. i tried to be as honest as possible but ye know..."

"sam, i loved it."

my whole heart really belonged to this man who sat in front of me, it was so wrong but so right.

sam fender imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now