kiss me

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you and sam were only in your underwear and sweatshirts whilst helping each other in the kitchen. whenever there was nothing to do, sam would have his hands dancing from your waist, up your back and down again while planting some small, some long and some deep kisses on your lips. you turned the stove off to extend your time kissing your man, there was something about him tonight that made you desperate for his touch. 

with his hands on the small of your back, sam pulled you closer to him. you held the back of his neck and leaned in towards his face. he was much taller than you but the pair of you made it work. sam placed his nose on yours for one last gaze in your eyes before softly pressing his lips down. you felt like it was only you and sam in the world, everything disappeared for it to just be you two. 

"shall we leave dinner 'til later?" 

sam's mouth wasn't far away from yours at all, you could feel the vibrations of his murmer collide off the roof of your mouth. you could only nod, your boyfriend had so seductively taken your breath away. sam held your hand and lead you away from the kitchen that you'd apparently return to later... 

sam fender imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now