we're alright

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being married only a month so far, it felt like you'd never been away from each other's side. you and sam did everything together, he dedicated his music to you on tour, you painted him and things to do with him and made a good living out of it; your lives revolved around each other and you loved it.
you and sam walked down the london banks by the thames and passed all the sights and restaurants of the city. the sun was setting and a gorgeous orange glow illuminated the area. sam pulled his phone out of his pocket and hollered a stranger over.

"sorry mate but could you just take a photo of us?"

the younger looking man seemed more than overwhelmed, obviously recognising your husband.
you sat down on one of the benches that overlooked the river and let the gentleman take a few snaps. a moment passed before you both returned to your new found photographer. he politely handed the phone back and asked sam for a photo, which they then took a few.

"you two are the most beautiful couple i have met. you deserve to stay as happy as you seem to be right now."

he said, you thanked him and looked to each other, looking at the photo.

"look at that, it's stunning."

you pointed to the gradient in the sky.

"yeah, we're alright together."

your man looked down to you and kissed your head, with a smile.
oh how much you loved him.

sam fender imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now