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sam had packed all his bags in preparation for his upcoming tour. you say on your bed in your home and let the tears fall on your lap. he'd offered a million times for you to go with him but so many things got in the way.

"i won't be long, i promise."

sam sat beside you and held your hand. you rested your head on his shoulder and sniffled, you didn't want to see him go again. you felt like you didn't have the better half of yourself when sam was on tour, it left you really lonely. only this time round, you would be as alone as normal. 

"i'll be back for you and this one, sooner than ever.."

sam placed his hand on your stomach, reassuring you he'd hold  you forever. your boyfriend was so excited to announce your pregnancy to his fans on this tour, which is another reason as to why he wanted to take you along. 

"you should get going, everyone's waiting downstairs.." 

you painfully concluded your alone time with sam. you both stood up to walk downstairs, where he'd be leaving you for the next couple of months. 

sam fender imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang