be my mistake

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forbidden from being together, you and sam always tried to make things work. you knew you had copious amounts of love for him, and that love was reciprocated.
he lived down the street with his band mates but you remained with your parents. they refused to let you move out - knowing you'd move to the musician they so hated.
sam was good for you and you knew it. he kept you sane and on your feet. he inspired you and made you feel alive. something you feared you wouldn't be able to let yourself do.
a repetitive tap on your window quietly echoed through your bedroom. you cautiously stood away from your bed and slowly approached the source of the noise. sam's face appeared as you lifted the blind. your heart skipped a beat, but in the best way. you opened the window to let him in, as long as he promised to stay hush.

"i known it's late and i shouldn't be here, but y/n, i need you."

my heart and head were finally on the same page. i presses my lips against sam's, taking him by surprise. he stumbled back and fell onto my bed, with me landing on top of him.                                                                     

"be my mistake."

"i'd be honoured."

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