Team JNR’s Manta soars overhead toward the mountain. Inside the ship, Elm and Vine look at JNR and prepare to jump, "This is my favorite part!"

Vine steps out of the ship, while Elm leaps backwards. Ren hops out, followed by a laughing Nora. Jaune takes a deep breath, gets a small running start and leaps out. He dives for a moment, then deploys his shield while activating its new Hard-Light Dust upgrade. The shield begins acting as a hang glider, with the sudden slow in momentum causing Jaune to yelp. He then drifts over to the cliff, before turning his shield downward and using another Dust upgrade to create an outward burst that cushions his landing. Standing alongside Nora and Ren, Jaune draws his sword, "Haha! Perhaps you kids won’t get yourselves killed after all!"

Elm enters a tunnel, while Jaune looks disappointed, and Nora pouts, "She meant that as a compliment."

Qrow and Clover slide down a sheer icy incline, landing on a cliff just outside of a tunnel opening. Clover activates a communication device in his ear while Qrow brushes off his new outfit, "This is Alpha squad. LZ’s clear. Proceeding on foot."

At the bottom of the mountain, Team RWBY rest their fingers against their own communicators, listening to Clover, "You’ve all got fancy new Scrolls, so don’t forget to use ‘em. Keep your eyes and ears open. I want an update if you encounter the target. Alpha out."

While Clover speaks, Blake brings out her new Scroll, deploying the hologram screen from the small device. Once Clover finishes speaking, Blake’s left cat ear twitches, and she looks ahead of her, "Huh?"

Yang, who was staring at Blake, looks side to side. Realizing that she is the one Blake is looking at, Yang poses awkwardly and waves, "Uh, sorry, just not used to the new hair yet."

Blake blushes and self-consciously brushes her hair back, "Is it… bad?"
"No! No. It’s good. Great, even!"

Marrow and Harriet watch the awkwardness from nearby, "Man, I did not sign up to be a babysitter."
"Yeah, well, the rest of us babysit you all the time."

Harriet walks away, and Marrow crosses his arms and pouts, following her, "Hmph!"

Weiss wipes the snow off of a piece of metal, revealing the Schnee Dust Company logo. She looks down at it with a frown and lets out a small, sad groan. Harriet and Marrow head into the mine entrance, with Team RWBY following at a distance. Ruby comes to a stop, shivering with her arms crossed across her chest, "Oh, it’s freezing out here!"

Weiss stops, and Blake and Yang soon stop, as well, "Without heating or projected Aura, the cold of Solitas can kill you in a matter of hours."
"I suddenly don’t feel as bad about leaving Oscar behind."

"Can we talk about that again?"

Ruby glances over at Harriet and Marrow, who have gone ahead to the opening of the mine, "What about it?"
"We’re really not gonna tell Ironwood about what happened to Oz? What we learned about Jinn? About Salem?" Yang hesitates for a moment, "About (Y/n)?"

"We are. We will. But you saw how things looked when we flew into Atlas."
"The General’s heart seems to be in the right place, but that doesn’t mean we should trust him yet."
"We need to play along for a while before we make any major decisions."
"Okay. How did Oscar feel about that? Or (Y/n), she is a part of this... This is her life we are talking about."

As she asks her question, Yang looks over at Ruby, raising an eyebrow. Ruby lowers her eyes a little, thinking back to her conversation with you, "I've known James for a long time, I have a feeling that we should tell him soon, I'm afraid that if wait too long he may result in something horrific. I won't say anything unless you do, you hold the lamp as of now I follow you." Ruby looks down with a sigh.

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