"Apologies for the mess and for holding onto your weapons for so long." Pietro enters a laboratory, followed by Teams RWBY and JNR, "The upgrades you requested were, uh… well, they were more than I anticipated."

"Atlas military Huntsmen are already hard at work clearing out the surrounding tundra. But recon has identified a powerful Geist that’s managed to evade destruction and take several lives." Uniformed Huntsmen are gunning down Grimm while the three Mantas fly past overhead, "After we increased our numbers, the Geist was smart enough to retreat into the mine itself, meaning it’s old and extremely dangerous."
Clover withdraws a compact Scroll and presses a button, causing the photograph of Huntsmen battling the Petra Gigas to take up the entirety of each screen, "This is our target."

"Your new weapons and armor should be as requested, but I also took the liberty of reviewing your combat footage from the Vytal Festival Tournament." Teams RWBY and JNR stand in front of a series of narrow shelves, each of which have cases on them. Nora shifts eagerly on her feet, letting out an excited giggle as she snatches up her case. Everyone else calmly picks up their cases, "There’s some additional enhancements I’d like to suggest. Oh, but for now, these should serve you well enough."
Ruby opens her case and smiles. Nora opens her case and looks amazed, pupils dilating and eyes shimmering from her excitement. Jaune opens his case, and his eyes widen.

The hologram screens above Ironwood’s table have been replaced with a 3D hologram map displaying the SDC mine, "The mine was a labyrinth back in the day. There’s all sorts of tunnels and chambers the Geist can move between, so if we’re gonna kill this thing, we’ll have to split up and corner it. Lieutenant, my apologies, but you have to sit out on this one."

You frown, "And why is that?"
"The Doctor is preparing something for you, and I'm afraid that you will be placed on stand by until further notice."

"Is it because I'm on the blacklist?"
"More or less, but with your connection with the Grimm, if anything happens to you more, Grimm won't be our only issue."
You sigh at this, Qrow places his hand on your shoulder, "Just for this mission, okay?"
You smile at Qrow, giving him a nod, "Okay."

Jaune sits on a bed, looking at his open case before sadly looking down at a scrap of red fabric in his hands. He caresses the fabric with his thumb and sighs. As he hangs his head, a few locks of hair move in front of his eye, and he brushes them away with a frown, "General Ironwood says you’ve seen your fair share of combat."
"Just like you, they were trained by me back in Beacon. Every since they faced what lies beyond what an average Huntsman sees."

"I trust your words, and I trust that man with my life, so tomorrow, I’ll be trusting you all, too."

Inside Ruby’s case is a neatly folded outfit. She happily pulls out the new cloak that rests on top of the stack. Team RWBY’s Manta soars through a cloud and opens its side door, with Team RWBY standing in the doorway wearing their new outfits, "Let’s make it happen, people."

Team RWBY look at each other, smiling. Yang chuckles, and Ruby nods. The four leap from the Manta, with Ruby immediately using her Semblance, laughing as she falls. She draws Crescent Rose, changes it to scythe form, stands on it, and begins firing it, using the recoil to slow her fall. Weiss makes her way downward while leaping back and forth between glyphs, before launching herself toward the mine and summoning her Arma Gigas’ arm and sword. She then uses a glyph to send herself onto the sword and slides down the blade.

Blake draws her newly-repaired katana, shifts it into sickle form, and throws it, hooking it onto one of the metal structures outside the mine entrance. She then uses it to swing from building to building. Yang freefalls, laughing as she does so, before firing at the ground and flipping to land on her feet. She slides across the snow between two minecart tracks and is joined by Ruby, Weiss, and Blake when she comes to a stop. Harriet lands nearby with a slight bounce, tucking and rolling. Marrow lands on his boomerang, rides it across the snow and leaps off of it, causing it to fly through the air and then return to him. The boomerang shifts into rifle mode when he catches it.

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