Day 30ish

23 1 0

 --- Its been one month since the crash, and I'm still here. Do you know how I know its been one month?... Easy, my body hates me & I haven't had these problems since the ship. 

~~ WARNING~~ good & bad things ahead~~

 Anyways I still didn't have a plan to survive when this blessing happened. While going to the bathroom in the "outhouse" area; because of my hormones -- Ps. I was deemed ok (safe) to stay in the village with the other single women. With the General  keeping watch of me. I tried to help out and learn with the local women. Also it might just be me, but General seems to be more clingy to me lately.---

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 I was really sad, plus I still haven't confronted my traumatic experiences

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 I was really sad, plus I still haven't confronted my traumatic experiences. Long story short - I crashed. I had a full blown meltdown behind the curtain, while going to the bathroom. Yep it sucked. I cried about my ordeal, the dead people, how I might die, I'll never see my family again, and like who knows what eles!! 

 So while in the mist of my bawling, my 'bodyguard/watcher' came rushing in to see what was wrong (not weird at all) all he saw was a super depressed woman crying then (super embarrassing) saw the blood. Luck again being on my side; he yelled for help from the healers thinking that I had lost the baby. 


 I was watched carefully by the village women after. One of the things that happen to me at this time is that I lose my appetite- which means I lose weight. All of this only further proved to the tribe that I had lost my baby. Once I was back to normal (1 -2 weeks have past) and I wasn't killed, I assumed that meant that I was now part of the tribe. yay  

 So between pointing & drawing in the dirt I asked if I could build myself a shelter on the outskirts of the village- I think they said yes?

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 So between pointing & drawing in the dirt I asked if I could build myself a shelter on the outskirts of the village- I think they said yes?

 So I got to work building one, just a classic permeant lean-to-shelter in the brush. (the last week General  keeps sending me sad glances, and watching me more). I borrowed someone's large knife/machete to cut down some small trees. Quite a few people stopped to look that day, especially General, he seemed almost amused or maybe proud? of me. 

 Anyways I was pretty much done by night fall so I slept there, it's still pretty warm at night. I'm sure I confuesd a lot of them. Oh well. The next day I finish up my new house & decided I now needed food & blankets/furniture. I didn't want to take any of their hard made blankets, so I decided I was going to weave some soft ferns together for clothes/mattress/curtains. Then I snuck away into the woods for 4 hours (going by the sun) 

 Then I snuck away into the woods for 4 hours (going by the sun) 

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I was a little worried they would think I ran off & try to find me but they didn't

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I was a little worried they would think I ran off & try to find me but they didn't. Probly thought I wouldn't survive. HA!!

 After waiting patiently in some bushes for at least an hour I caught a small deer-alive-tied a rope around it and brought it with me. I stopped by the creek to spear some fish then continued back to camp. 

 The first person I saw when I came out of the jungle was General, he seemed happy & relived when he spotted me and the fish. HAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!! MAN ALIVE!! You should have seen his face it was priceless , framed in shock ! HAHA I don't think in a hundred years he expected this random girl (me) to lay her fish down, reach behind her back into the brush and pull out an intire small deer by the antlers.

 He just kind of stared at me for a while, looking utterly confused, as I tied the deer to a tree & went about cooking/smoking the fish I caught. Once he clued in again I offered him some fish for supper. He instead walked over to the deer to inspect it; I'm pretty sure he was looking for an injury or sickness (thanks for the faith bro). 

 Once he was done he accepted the fish, and pointed/asked how I caught the deer by myself. I showed him (charades=ASL for dummies) me sitting quietly behind a bush covered in mud, then leaping out & grabbing the deer's antlers. I'm not sure if he was surprised or approved of my hunting? Either way I'm pretty sure he told the whole village because people kept walking by slowly checking out my deer (named Phile from HTTYD). 

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