"Yeah, I know, but I just... I got scared," Kaden replied, staring at the wall, while not seeing it. His voice was back to it's monotone state, making him sound like he was a million miles away.

     "About what?" Clark asked.

     Kaden sighed and hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Raine and I... We've dated before this. Before she was with Jared, we kind of went out in secret. She broke it off. And, well, it killed. It was the first, and only time I ever hurt over a girl. I guess I was scared that she would do it again," He answered in a pained tone. For a moment, there was silence. Two of them completely dumbfounded, the other still staring unseeingly at the wall, a distant look on his face.

     "Go after her," Clark finally said. He didn't exactly approve of Kaden's reason to cheat, but it was clear that his friend was regretting the decision now.

     "Yeah, it always works in those chick movies," Brett agreed.

     Clark sighed. "Brett. You're really not helping here."

     Brett shrugged. "Just go after her. Don't give up so easily, I know you're not like that. If you really, er, love her, go after her."

     Kaden stood up, and for the first time in a while, hope flashed through his eyes. "Maybe, I will."


     He met her in the hallway. After hopping on the first plane to England, and hailing a taxi to the hotel address Kallie had given him, he had ran up a couple flights of stairs and had been waiting at her door when she appeared behind him.

     Her hair was in a messy bun, with strands curling out, she was wearing a pair of ratty jeans and an old t-shirt, and the sunglasses she wore, despite it being night, didn't hide the bags under her eyes.

     "What are you doing here?" She asked her voice faltering a bit. She lifted her sunglasses, set them in her hair and examined him, almost as if she was expecting him to disappear.

     "I came to say sorry," He answered, not meeting her eyes, a fragment of hope hiding in his tone. She opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out. Kaden sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I was scared," He admitted.

     She regarded him with past suspicious, part curious eyes. "Scared of what?"

     "That you'd break it off again. You know, it had hurt. I was scared of that again."

     Raine stared at Kaden disbelievingly. Finally after a beat of silence, she bit her lip and looked away. "I wasn't planning to. I was gonna give it a shot," She told him, in a sort of broken, almost rueful voice, before turning around to walk off. Before she could move a step away from him, he grabbed her wrist and spun her back around.

     "Tell me why. You at least owe me that much," He insisted, locking eyes with her, pleading. The silence was overwhelming before she finally relented.

     She tugged her wrist out of his grip and sighed. "I... I was scared too," She paused, gulping. "All my life, all I had heard were my parents fighting. When I was younger, they used to tell me it was true love. That what they had was true love. And ever since then, I swore to myself, that I would never, ever fall in love. I told myself, if that's what love looks like, I don't want it," She explained, her voice shaking.

     "You dated other guys, you were fine with that," Kaden remarked, his voice tinged with anger.

     Raine ran her hands through her hair, and clenched them into fists before dropping them to her sides. "Because I never felt anything. No sparks. I knew that it would never turn into anything. I knew that. With you, I guess I wasn't so sure," She admitted. Her sentences were slow, and choppy, as if she was still deciding what to say- which she probably was. "I didn't want to see what would happen back then."

     "And now?" Kaden asked hesitantly, with a hint of hope in his tone.

     "I don't know what to think now," She replied, looking down.

     "Raine, you know I-" He started.

     She cut him off before he could finish. "Don't," she said, trying to gather up her strength. She couldn't do this, anymore. No more games. She couldn't let her heart be played with again. She had to say no, but she knew that if he started begging for forgiveness, she'd give in like every other time. "Don't tell me you regret it, Kaden. Do you really? You can say you weren't thinking, that it was just a moment of weakness, that you're sorry. But think about it. Can you really say you regretted it?" She asked, already knowing the answer. Choices were choices, and they all knew that nothing, was really regrettable. If it was a choice that he made to protect his heart, it wasn't regrettable. And he knew that too. Kaden stayed silent, unable to reply, just as she had expected.

     She smiled bitterly. "Did you really expect it to be like those movies? Real life doesn't work that way, Kaden," she told him, her voice cracking.

     Again, he stayed silent.

     She looked at him, unshed tears shining in her brown eyes. "I guess Romeo has nothing left to say." With that, she turned on her heel and entered her room, the door softly clicking shut after her.


And the truth is out! But, it's not over yet. There's still a lot to go. A lot of questions still unanswered. I'm gonna post some outtakes/ deleted scenes, [maybe] a bit of info on the sequel, then I'll start it as soon as the Watty's end. Also, when the Watty's are over, I'll be changing the title.The new title will be Summer Rain. This story's gonna get a complete makeover. New summary and all. :)

Update 2/01/13: The Watty's Finalist Voting is up! If you think Something about Summer deserves it, pretty please go to the Watty's page, click Humor, scroll down to "On The Rise" and vote? Thank you! :)
Update 21/112012: Something about Summer made it into the Finalists showcase! That is absolutely amazing, and I'd like to thank you all so much for your support! <3
I've started an 'Extras' book for this story and it's sequel. I've already started the Alternate Sequel. Click the External Link to get there :)
I've also started a new story called Kiss Me, Kill Me, with my friend, BeautyatWork. I really love this story, so please check it out. :D

Vote, if you're a bit upset or cried.

Comment, if you're excited for the sequel.

Fan, if you'll read the sequel, or any of my other/future works.

~JJ :)

PS. Note because I'm tired of people saying this: The ending is temporary! It's more like a 'Part 1' ending than a story ending. The things that were found out in this chapter have been what I've been trying to hint at for a lot of chapters. Like 'before' and 'familiar' was them dating.

PPS. Don't kill me for the ending, I'm trying to keep things realistic. There's a lot of loose ends, but like I said, there will be a sequel.

PPPS. Sorry for the super long Author's note.

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