"n-no-no-no, please! mom!", he screams, desperately calling his mother. but she doesn't move.

she is upstairs, hearing the painful cries and screams of her beautiful son but she doesn't move.

"do you really think your mom could save you now?", his dad asks and aggressively and tears his shirt. "this is what you get for being such a failure!"

the next thing that taehyung feels is the worst pain that he has ever felt. it's a burning pain in his back. it hurts like hell and he feels like his back is an open, bleeding wound.

he screams so loud like he never did before, only to get whipped again.

taehyung's vision is blurry but he can't help but to scream. he can't do anything. he can just scream. scream and hope that it'll be over soon because he'd rather be dead than to have to feel this pain right now.

"d-dad, p-please.", he sobs but his dad doesn't stop and just keeps on whipping his own son like a fucking psychopath.

taehyung is sure that his back is bleeding, because his father is doing it with so much strength, there is no way that his back isn't bleeding.

taehyung feels like dying.

he wonders how much more he can take before passing out.

but god... passing out sounds like heaven now.

all he can do is to scream over and over again until it feels like his throat just got ripped.

"m-mommy.", taehyung says so quietly with his last strength. and then he can't do anything anymore. he can't even scream no more and he can't cry.

he is just laying there while his own father is whipping him. his own father... what did taehyung ever do to deserve this?

he doesn't know how much time passed, but he can feel his dad finally stopping. he wants to smile but he can't. he can't because the pain isn't over. the pain is so bad, he can't think straight anymore and he can't even open his eyes properly.

the next thing he hears is how his dad leaves the house, slamming the door shut behind him.

and then he hears his mom's footsteps.


she outbursts in tears.

she never did anything when taehyung got hurt by her husband but right now the sight of taehyung is just too much.

she has never seen a sore back like this before and her eyes are wide.

but she tries to get her shit together because she knows she has to telp
him now.

with shaking legs she gets wet wipes to remove all the blood from his back. she's biting her lips while doing so to stop herself from crying.

painful cries are leaving taehyung's mouth everytime when his back gets in contact with the wet wipes.

but he tells himself that he went through so much pain now and he'll handle that too.

"i-i will help you up.", his mother says as she's finished with cleaning his back.

taehyung nods weakly.

he uses his last strength to get up, his mom is helping him by pulling him by his arms.

he's standing now, glad that he managed it.

now he has to go upstairs.

his mom is right next to him, holding him tightly to support him by walking as much as possible.

he whimpers in pain with every step he takes and hot tears are leaving his eyes. it hurts so bad.

but he feels so relieved when he's finally upstairs. he's standing in front of his door as his mom lets go of him.

"rest.", she says, before going to her room and disappearing again.

taehyung steps into his room
and lets himself fall down on his bed,
but of course on his belly.

his belly also hurts since his father kicked it twice with so much strength, but it's nothing compared to his back.

he can't take it no more.

he outbursts in tears and starts to sob so loudly.

he can't believe what just happened.

his dad whipped him for being gay. for loving jeongguk. it's the mental and the physical pain that is killing him right now.

"gguk.", he cries, missing his lover more than ever.


three hours passed in which taehyung was laying on his tummy and cried, not being able to fall asleep because of the intense pain he's feeling.

jeongguk is calling for he fourth time in a row now and taehyung doesn't want to pick up because he knows that jeongguk will notice that he's not ok. he will notice and he'll worry, but he doesn't want him to worry.

but he knows that not picking up will worry jeongguk even more, that's why he decides to do it. but he'll try his best to sound like he's ok.

"tae? god, finally."

"hi, ggukie.", he says.

"is everything alright?", jeongguk asks, noticed immediately that taehyung's voice sounded weaker than usual.

"y-yeah, i was just sleeping.", he says.

"hm, ok.", he replies, but doesn't sound convinced at all.

"how was your day?"

god, it's so hard to stay strong for taehyung right now.

he's so unstable and vulnerable and hearing jeongguk's soft voice doesn't make it better, since he misses him
like hell.

taehyung's voice starts shaking.

"g-good, h-how was your-"

"baby? are you sure that everything's alright?"

taehyung can't help it no more.

he outbursts in tears again and jeongguk's eyes go wide in shock. he never heard taehyung crying like this before and it breaks his heart.

"baby? what happened? what's wron-"

the only thing he hears is a beeping.

taehyung hung up the call.

he's so mad at himself. he didn't want to worry jeongguk and he wanted to be strong for him but now he worried him even more.

his dad was right, he really is a failure.

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