Chapter 3

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(Small disclaimer...this story is currently undergoing a point of view edit. Some chapters haven't been updated yet and are still set in the first person. I apologize for the inconvenience, please enjoy the story or check out some of my other work while you wait for this one! Thank you.)

A steamy dream leads Madeline to fixate on Asher. Her day off is spent drooling over him in secret as they shop for the sexiest of clothing for her upcoming bar crawl. How far will she allow Asher to push her? How long till she falls victim to her own feelings?

My breasts were on fire, as he rolled them around in his hands. My head felt like it would explode from the rush I felt. My body tingled in a way I had never felt before. I wanted more. His rough grip excited me, it felt like electricity was running through my body. I moaned out before getting a good look at those deep ocean eyes. I sat up breathing heavily. "Asher?!" I cried out as I looked around my room. "Just...a dream..." I mumbled as I held a hand to my head.
I wrapped my arms around my torso as I tried to get his touch out of my head. The way he felt up my body...god it was...amazing... I shook my head. I can't fall for him. Why did he have such a grip on me? Okay so he was beautiful...beyond beautiful and he...ugh... I can't deny it anymore that I had a crush on him.
I glanced at my wrist. The numbers changed over as another hour slipped away. I was on day three out of seven. It was quickly adding up to him being right about me. I sighed, I couldn't let him get to me like that. No, I wouldn't lose this deal. I had to beat this right? Or just outsmart him.
Asher appeared at the foot of my bed in a cloud of smoke. He grinned wildly at me. Did he know about my dream?! Was he the cause of it? Fuck did I even dream it? I honestly have no clue what is real anymore.
"Good, you're up. If I remember correctly, you said that you had no classes today. So nothing to distract you from our mission." He raised an eyebrow at me. "What's wrong?"
I blushed and looked away. "Nothing.." He couldn't know about my dream. It would complicate things.
He chuckled. "Jealous that you don't have game, like I do?"
I scoffed and threw the blankets off of me. "Yeah right..."
Asher lifted his head and began to sniff around. He crawled his way up the bed until he was hovering over me. "I smell..." He grinned his sharp teeth showed.
I bit the inside of my lip. He was so close... He was practically straddling me. "Smell what?" I asked.
"Cum..." He looked at me, his look questioning. "Did I don't smell a man..." He sniffed the air around me again. His grin then turned into a smirk. "You had a naughty dream? Aww isn't that cute? Ya dreaming of me little girly?" His hand went to my thigh, my skin suddenly felt ten times tighter. I held my breath as the lighting shot up from my leg and to my core.
My face burned redder as I grabbed a pillow and smacked him upside the head with it. I couldn't think of anything else to do. I had to get him off the topic before he figured it out.
He began laughing as he took the pillow from me and began hitting me back. I laughed and grabbed my other pillow to swing back at him. Soon we were both laughing and lying on my bed as if it were natural. Like things had always worked this way between us. I looked over at him and smiled. He was smiling back at me. It felt right....
"Ash?" I asked as I rolled over on my side to face him.
"Yeah?" His blue eyes were smiling back at me. My heart picked up pace as I stared at him, longing to keep this moment. He looked so nice and carefree, so sweet...
"You said I was your girlfriend on Monday...does that count?" I grinned at him. Hoping but not counting on it.
"You said it was a lie. So that would null the deal. Besides I thought you wanted a human boyfriend?" He asked, his smile fading.
"We never said it had to be human. Just that I had a week to find a boyfriend." I could feel his eyes boring holes into me. He wasn't comfortable talking about this.
"Besides I said that before we made our deal..." He moved and suddenly I was pinned on my back.
I couldn't hear anything besides the sound of my blood rushing to my ears as I laid underneath him. The heat coming off of him was intense as his body laid against mine. He was so heavy, it felt like he would crush me. His hips pushed into mine, his legs straddling me so that I couldn't move. Not like I could anyways...I was in shock and couldn't move if I had wanted to.
His fingers trailed down my jawline causing me to hold my breath as his lips got closer. He watched me closely studying my every move. His lips moved in closer to mine before stopping just mere centimeters away. "I could show you a good time..." He whispered seductively.
I shuddered. His voice was icy as it rang through my head. If I let him then our contract would be null... I had to wait this out. I ground my teeth together to get my attention off of my arousal. Did I really want to have sex with a demon? Perhaps...No no I don't think I do.
Asher sat up and started chuckling. He had that grin on his face again. "Stop drooling over me and get your ass out of bed. We only have so long to make you hot before we hit up every bar, pub, and club in this podunk town."
My cheeks were a raging inferno. "Like I would consider it!" I growled at him.
He turned back to me his blue eyes like ice as he stared down at me. A chill ran through my body. "You couldn't handle me..." His voice was dead and hollow as he spoke.
I swallowed hard and just nodded. I couldn't think of what else to do. He was beyond my league, no doubt about it. If he were human people would question why such a gorgeous man had chosen such a plain Jane as his girlfriend. But still that hurt to hear him say that to me.
Fuck me...I liked Asher.
I have no clue why. He wasn't showing me that he had a good personality but god...his body had it going on. I sighed to myself, he wasn't that bad, moments ago lying in bed together felt we had been friends for more than just a few days, and that hint of sadness in his voice when he asked if I was looking for someone human to date.
After I got dressed we headed out into the city to look for some sexy clothes for me. To say the least, it wasn't going well at first. I hated almost everything that Asher had picked out for me and he hated almost everything that I had picked out in return. It was about three shops later when we finally found something.
Asher had picked up this simple-looking black dress. I didn't think it would be sexy enough that was until I put it on.
"Come on out already!" He yelled from the doorway of the changing rooms. His tone annoyed.
"I...I'd rather not..." I mumbled. It showed off way more skin than I was ever comfortable doing. The dress did look rather good on me though. I took a picture with my phone so I could remember how it looked when I got home. I didn't plan on buying this thing.
"I need to see if it will work or not. I can't take your word for it." He huffed.
I sighed and walked slowly out. He was standing with his back on the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest as I came up to him. His eyes went wide as he saw me. I hope that's a good reaction. The dress had spaghetti straps that were a little large on me. The neckline actually didn't hang too far down, it showed off about as much as I had yesterday night, if not a little less. It fell to just above my knees and had a good-sized copper zipper to my left side that if you unzipped, it would create a nice little slit.
"So what do you think?" I asked, fully embarrassed.
"It's perfect." He grinned at me. I couldn't help but shyly smile as I watched him look me over. It didn't feel bad, I liked how his eyes ran over me. "Now we need to find you some underwear to go with it and we will be ready."
I swallowed hard. This was going to be uncomfortable.....Was I ready to go along with this plan?

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