Chapter 1

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(Small disclaimer...this story is currently undergoing a point of view edit. Some chapters haven't been updated yet and are still set in the first person. I apologize for the inconvenience, please enjoy the story or check out some of my other work while you wait for this one! Thank you.)

Madeline finally had the courage to ask Cory out on a date. He had been on her mind for a few years now and this was her chance to get what she wanted....that is until he broke her heart and she met the darkly humored, handsome stranger named Asher. Is love in bloom? Or is something darker going on? Will Madeline make a deal with a devil?

It was Monday afternoon, and Madeline was wandering around the park, as one does. She was waiting for Cory to show up. She had finally gotten up the courage to ask him out. Madeline had had a crush on him for some time now, and when he had said yes. It sent her to cloud nine with joy.

There he was standing under the shade of some trees, holding his books. She assumed he was ready for their 'study date'. Well, he didn't know about the date part, yet. He had asked her to tutor him that's when she suggested that they meet Monday in the park.

"You know get some sun and fresh air." She said. She also hoped, he'd wear shorts and show off his great leg muscles. The dude did not skip leg day. To her surprise, he said yes, so she rolled with it, not wanting to waste this chance.

It had the chance to bloom into something more, right? Well, while her face turns blue, she can still enjoy the studying part of this 'date'. Now if only her heart could ease up on her. It felt like she had just run the Tour de France.

Cory was a tall guy with dark blonde hair, he kept it cut short year-round. What had always captured Madeline's heart was his bright green eyes. She swore they sparkled sometimes. Today he wore a pair of tan cargo shorts, with a tri-colored t-shirt. It paired nicely with the Hawaiian button-up shirt that he wore open. All over he still looked great.

Madeline's heart pounded as she took a deep breath and started toward him. That was until Jessie came over. Seeing her killed all of Madeline's drive. She's tall, beautiful with or without makeup, and she knew it too. Once she wore the smallest amount of makeup and paraded around school. She kept saying things like 'oh I'm a natural beauty look I don't have to wear makeup to be great.' Madeline may have taken some of that out of context but who cares.

Jessie had medium-length brunette hair with dark chocolate brown eyes. Once, Madeline had gotten into an argument with Jessie when she wore light blue contacts to school. Jessie claimed that her eyes naturally changed from brown to blue. Madeline called her out on her bullshit. And shouted loud enough for the whole room to hear that her poop brown was showing through the cheap-ass contacts. She was less than pleased, to say the least.

Jessie was that in between kind of skinny. Just enough to make you feel fat, despite how you look. But that was mostly due to her attitude about it. Today she chose to wear a bright pink crop top, with high-waisted jeans. She bounced right up to Cory. Madeline noticed how his eyes didn't leave her chest as he reached out and embraced her in a tight hug.

He was a bit shorter than her but he seemed to enjoy his face full of breasts. He snuggled into her, holding her waist to his hips.

'What a jerk.....' She sighed. 'A jerk that I like...Fuck me.'

It wasn't like Jessie had the biggest of boobs but she definitely showed off what she had. Someone got her drunk at a frat party and let's just say, she has no more secrets to hide.

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