Chapter 8

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Only a few minutes left until the walls open. Some gladers gave up and went to bed during the wait. While others were still determined, and stayed up until dawn was peaking, including me. I really hope they're okay.

During this time, I can't help but remember the first time I met Minho and Alby. They treated me like anyone else. And I'm grateful for that. Especially Minho.

"Stay away from me!" I yelled out from the top of a tree that I climbed up on when I got escorted out of the box. "Leave me alone."

"Let's just talk for a moment alright?" Alby said from the ground, George and Minho behind him. Along with a few more boys crowding around. Wanting to see their new addition to the glade.

"Can you please come down? We're not gonna hurt you." George said calmly

I said nothing. And just stayed there, mind still in panic. Where am I? What is this place? Some of the boys kept whispering to one another as I cling myself to the tree like a koala.

"How about we leave her alone for a moment?" Minho suddenly spoke up.

Everyone turned to look at him. He just shrugged.

"Well, she's clearly not coming down anytime soon if we keep crowding her like a bunch of wild shanks." He crossed his arms, looking up at me.

"Give her some time."

I scoffed a bit, smiling slightly, looking back at the old memories.

A loud rumbling erupted from the walls as it slowly opened. This is it.

"Guys get up!" Chuck yelled out to the other boys who were still sitting on the grown.

Holding my breath. I focused on the gap of the doors that were getting wider and wider. Only to be met with nothing. There was no sign of them at all.

"Told you Chuck. They're not coming back." Newt said to him, voice filled with sadness. He started walking away. The others followed suit.

I closed my eyes and let out a breath. Trying to accept the fact that they were gone.

"No way..." Zart blurted out.

Well I'll be damned. Minho and Thomas were coming out of the maze all panting and coughing as they carried a knocked out Alby. 

"Med-jacks!" I yelled out, calling Jeff and Clint to come help me look at Alby as they both gently put him on the ground.

The crowd that surrounded us started getting a bit bigger while everyone started asking them how they made it out and what happened.

"Did you see a griever?" Chuck asked. Thomas just looked at him out of breath before answering. "Yeah. I saw one." 

He just said it like it was a normal thing. He's definitely different from the rest of the boys I've seen in the glade so far. 

"He didn't just see it..." Minho intervened "He killed it..."

My eyes widened. Killed? Thomas killed a griever? Okay, so not only did he survive the maze, he also happened to kill a griever. Things really are starting to change, first the dreams, then Ben getting stung, and now this? Something is definitely going on, him appearing in my dream last night was definitely not a coincidence. 

I think it's time I finally find out what the hell is going on right now. 


I sat across the bed as I watch Alby all tied up. Still not awake. But alive. I found out he got stung and that Minho had to knock him out. I let out a breath before getting up and leaving the hut, best I don't stay around when he wakes, plus I still got a job to do, I was assigned by Jeff to go check on Thomas while Clint handled Minho. He was sitting at the homestead.

Maze Runner: SAFE [Gally x OC]Where stories live. Discover now